Author Topic: Bring'n the "Belle" Home!  (Read 3944 times)


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Bring'n the "Belle" Home!
« on: January 31, 2010, 08:01:46 pm »

FlightSim: FS9 / FSGlobal 2010 / REX / Ultimate Terrain (CAN, EUR, USA) / NL2000se
Aircraft: B-52H Stratofortress (Memphis Belle IV) by KBT Japan
Aircraft Type: Long-Range Bomber
Departure Scenery: Aviano AB (LIPA) by Cloud9/FSDreamTeam
Waypoint: Lajes AB (LPLA) by John Stinstrom
Arrival Scenery: Barksdale AFB (KBAD) by AlphaSim
Distance: 4987.7 NM (9hrs 51mins)
NAV 1: 109.90
NAV 2: 115.80
NDB: 341.0
Callsign: WARDOG
Weather: Real Weather (FSMeteo v8.0)
Crew: 5
Comments: After serving in Iraq & Afghanistan, it was decided to bring the "Belle" home. Two Boeing B-52 Stratofortresses have carried the name Memphis Belle B-52G (59-2594) was named Memphis Belle III and took part in the 1991 Gulf War. It was sent to the AMARC in October, 1992, and the first B-52H (60-0001) was named Memphis Belle IV. It is currently based at Barksdale AFB (KBAD), flying for the 2nd Bomb Wing and has seen action in both Iraq and Afghanistan.

WARNING!: View at your own risk & have your popcorn ready! Perhaps coffee too!  ::)