I have 3 icons at start
You asked about the Live Updater, which is why I said you have 2 icons for it, explaining what they do. Yes, there's a 3rd icon, but it doesn't have anything to do with the updater, it's a shortcut to restart the Couatl engine, for any of these reasons:
- in case it might not start with the sim ( sometimes it happens due to issues with the exe.xml ), so you can start it manually.
- in case it crashed for any reason, so you can start it again.
- in case you want to exit from it intentionally, perhaps because you are sure you don't need GSX for a while ( example, a very long flight ), so you can restart it shortly before landing, or just after.
No second icon for update.
OK, now I found the Update at FSDT installer. This first, then live update.
Nowhere we said to run the Update from the installer and then ALSO from the updater. In fact, I said basically the opposite, they are the SAME program, doing the SAME thing, just with a different interface so, running both is completely useless, since you are basically doing the same thing twice for no reason.
The difference depending which interface is presented are:
- The Live Update will automatically update ALL FSDT products you have installed, and will exit automatically when it's done. It doesn't have any other function other than just updating everything to the last version.
- The FSDT Installer will let you choose WHICH product you want to update, will give you informations about the version, read the release notes, read the manual, uninstall/reinstall, activate/deactivate, find your keys, etc.
If you want absolute accuracy in the description, running the Live Update, is functionally IDENTICAL than running the Installer and clicking the button "Update ALL" and then the button "Exit" when it has completed.