Author Topic: CTDs  (Read 22714 times)


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Re: CTDs
« Reply #60 on: August 20, 2022, 11:20:07 pm »
I do thank and commend Umberto and the team for making these CTD investigations a priority, and hopefully soon we can definitively say wether it is GSX or not and those of us that can't complete a flight with GSX involved can soon fly with it installed.

I must say I was initially very worried, because we are doing so many new things and so much stuff is happening on screen, that I assumed it might have been possibly a GSX problem, although I was more inclined to think it might be caused by GSX indirectly, the real bug might have been some Simconnect function not many developers use that still need fixing.

However, after reading all those comments on the Microsoft Flight Simulator forum, there's just TOO MANY cases of users with constant CTD, sometimes only after 20-30 minutes, and NONE OF THEM HAS GSX. Some of them have it, of course, so I can fully understand why it might be easy to point fingers to GSX, because it just came out when these CTDs started but, there's just too many reports about users starting to have CTDs with NO ADDONS, or other addons, I suggest reading that thread, because it's quite interesting.

What is possibly happening, is that Microsoft is preparing the servers for the final SU10 release, so they are possibly updating files, those servers might be under stress and I'm also sure they use a big network ( Azure ) of nodes, so it takes a while for all nodes to be updated (this sounds familiar), and this might be a cause of the unusual increase of CTDs, which happened to be almost coincident with GSX's release.

We surely continue to keep an eye on this, and of course we are fully aware we have LOTS of fixes to do in the next days/weeks, but I think I'm quite positive the worse of all, CTDs, is not what I feared might be.

Leopardo Di Cardio

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Re: CTDs
« Reply #61 on: August 20, 2022, 11:21:03 pm »
I'm using Nvidia 516.59 right now and GSX also had CTD, but see the text above... I'll see what it does without Google Maps on the next flight... and that I fly around Europe often :-)


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Re: CTDs
« Reply #62 on: August 21, 2022, 01:04:08 am »
I've also rolled back to 516.59, with lots of hopes, thinking that I've updated my Nvidia drivers literally the same day as I've installed GSX, and that this could have been the culprit. I was boarding at EGCC, and everything went fine. That's what I've thought ahah
MSFS crashed right after boarding completed. I almost never had a crash on the version of the driver I've rolled back on, so I'm definetly sure that GSX is involved somewhere in those CTD.


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Re: CTDs
« Reply #63 on: August 21, 2022, 01:26:36 am »
MSFS crashed right after boarding completed. I almost never had a crash on the version of the driver I've rolled back on, so I'm definetly sure that GSX is involved somewhere in those CTD.

I strongly suggest to read the whole thread on MS Forum, the nVidia drivers were an issue only for SOME users but, most of them had lots of crashes THESE DAYS, and many never had GSX installed, some had many add-ons, others a clean install without ANY add-on, and they all said an abnormal rate of CTD started very recently, something they never experienced before.


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Re: CTDs
« Reply #64 on: August 21, 2022, 01:37:31 am »
As being one of the users with constant CTD I have to take a small step onto GSX / Umbertos side. My crashes started the second I used GSX in a real flight (just ground testing and learning the UI before), as many of my friends did.

I have to be honest, what favored this assumption was Umbertos statement "It cannot be GSX" which, to be honest, was not great communication as there wasn't really time to test when this statement was made. I would've expected more of a "We're sure it is not GSX but we'll investigate". This has changed as seen above and a thumbs up from me for that.

I've read across different topics today and the sheer amount of reports let me doubt this really is caused by GSX. If it proves to be just a very awful coincidence the crashes started with the release of GSX I am really sorry for Umberto for taking all the whacks in the last hours / days.

For myself I unlinked GSX and had another crash 10 min into a flight, so I am up for any news but I won't expect them too soon as of the weekend.

GSX still has some bugs no matter the crashes, but it's nice to read that they're being addressed soon ;)


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Re: CTDs
« Reply #65 on: August 21, 2022, 01:48:59 am »
I'll make it easier for everybody, and will link the interesting post of the thread named "Constant CTD every flight now"

I had no issues since I bought the game but since August 16, I am experiencing CTD’s all the time. I first repaired, then reset, then uninstall and re-install, to no avail. I have only the PMDG in the Community folder and always a CTD a few minutes later during setup

Did you guys all have Bought GSX PRO ?

I have not.


Nope. I think it’s not related to GSX. Is just yet another bug in this simulator

I had it installed, after 5 consecutives CTD, I decided to uninstall it… I’m still experiencing CTD on each flight after 20-30 min…

I have not bought GSX as yet.

I have removed everything from the community folder, then repaired, then reset, then uninstall and install, and keep getting CTD in Safe Mode with no 3rd party add-ons, also with no error message. Just CTD. I’d never had any issues before, so this is baffling. My problems started on August 17
His problems started the day *before* we released gsx

Since few days i can’t fly a single flight in which the sim does not crash at least once (today a flight with 4 crashes) I have a fresh install of Window 11 and MSFS without any 3rd Party addons just Windows and MSFS running.

Since two days constantly CTDs and I don’t see any pattern here why the sim is crashing. I also installed GSX Pro but the issue started already before the installation.

I had 3 crashes today, first I thought it was gsx causing this but it happens even without it. All started today, yesterday 0 problems

i have done a fresh install cant even install the world updates without this sim CTD

nt.dll CTDs for the past few days on every flight. Win 10, 3080 Ti (tested with July and August drivers), without GSX.

No GSX installed here

Do you have any mods installed? If so, which one(s)? NONE as i done a fresh install so was vanilla

The topic is still going, by I believe there's enough evidence CTDs that started recently are not related to GSX.


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Re: CTDs
« Reply #66 on: August 21, 2022, 03:21:25 am »
There's only some anecdotal evidence about GSX being the "cause".

My $0.02

In P3D, I spent most of my free time perfecting my GSX profiles.  This program was the best thing since sliced bread.  Amazing work by the FSDT guys.  When I started using MSFS, I quickly realized that there was in DIRE need for GSX.  So, today, I bought GSX.  I cannot express my excitement more.  I then realized quickly that I had to destroy my P3D GSX just to get it to work.  So I uninstalled it completely from P3D and installed fresh as this forum directed me to do.  It was frustrating to have to constantly manually start COUATL because I often forget and have to restart AGAIN....and we ALL KNOW MSFS does NOT load quickly.  So I spent a LOT of my valuable free time exiting MSFS just so I can manually start COUATL because restarting in the sim does not work at all.  So, FINALLY, I was able to start trying out GSX.  It's EXTREMELY well done.  It helps that now I have access to a drone cam to get up close and personal to every single entity in GSX to place it perfectly.  I was able to customize 2 parking spots at KDAL and 1 at TISX.  HOWEVER, ....a BIG HOWEVER...... now, when I load MSFS, if I start COUATL first, it crashes to the desktop.  I have NEVER had a CTD in MSFS!!!!!!!  If I DON'T start COUATL, MSFS loads perfectly fine, but tells me COUATL has not started.  So, the statement that 'There's only some anecdotal evidence about GSX being the "cause".' cannot be true.  Guys, please, we spent good money to have this on our systems.  You guys, WE KNOW, have busted your rumps to put out an amazing product.  We KNOW there's gonna be bugs.  However, PLEASE work diligently to fix this.  We can already see that this was not tested on a system that had GSX loaded for P3D AND MSFS.  There's more work to do.  Also, please realize that MANY of us are loyal customers of yours.  Don't leave us hanging.  I know that I have pretty much every US P3D airport you created.  That's a lot of dough.  Many of us will download your latest airport the DAY it's released.  Please help us out and fix these issues.  We were waiting for this addon with bated breath. 

I am not runnig SU10 beta.  I have not changed anything on my system.  It was working this morning after I trashed my P3d GSX. I explored MSFS GSX, then I shut down the sim to go do my "adulting" for the day, and when I cranked it back up later, .....CTD
« Last Edit: August 21, 2022, 04:16:58 am by virtuali »


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Re: CTDs
« Reply #67 on: August 21, 2022, 04:01:30 am »


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Re: CTDs
« Reply #68 on: August 21, 2022, 04:08:28 am »
Treeb52  I don't think FSDT will leave any of us hanging.  The CTD's you experienced this evening may not be GSX related.  I had 4 CTD's in a row just trying to start MSFS.  There's a long forum thread on the Microsoft forums of people sharing their recent experiences in the past two days or so with multiple CTDs.  The majority of those responding don't own GSX for MSFS.  So there is something going on with MSFS that is causing a lot of these issues and it just happens to be happening within the window of GSX being released. 
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Re: CTDs
« Reply #69 on: August 21, 2022, 04:24:52 am »
So, the statement that 'There's only some anecdotal evidence about GSX being the "cause".' cannot be true.

I understand you were replying to my initial post, one before we could gather enough proof but, haven't you read the post just before yours, which is a collection of a very long thread on Microsoft forum, which confirm PRECISELY that all the assumptions made about GSX were exactly that, anecdotal evidence.

That post is more a way to summarize the thread and isolate the most tell-telling sentences, to make it easier to form a picture, it doesn't include much opinions, it's a link of what other users experienced, not what I think. If if YOUR experience might haven been leading to the conclusion "it was GSX", putting together additional information will help you reaching a more informed opinion, that's why it's called like that: you need as much *information* as possible to form an "informed opinion", if you are using only your own single experience, it's easy to fall into the trap of confusing correlation with causation.


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Re: CTDs
« Reply #70 on: August 21, 2022, 04:41:59 am »
So, the statement that 'There's only some anecdotal evidence about GSX being the "cause".' cannot be true.

I understand you were replying to my initial post, one before we could gather enough proof but, haven't you read the post just before yours, which is a collection of a very long thread on Microsoft forum, which confirm PRECISELY that all the assumptions made about GSX were exactly that, anecdotal evidence.

That post is more a way to summarize the thread and isolate the most tell-telling sentences, to make it easier to form a picture, it doesn't include much opinions, it's a link of what other users experienced, not what I think. If if YOUR experience might haven been leading to the conclusion "it was GSX", putting together additional information will help you reaching a more informed opinion, that's why it's called like that: you need as much *information* as possible to form an "informed opinion", if you are using only your own single experience, it's easy to fall into the trap of confusing correlation with causation.



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Re: CTDs
« Reply #71 on: August 21, 2022, 04:49:35 am »

It's not listed as a system requirement, so I doubt it requires FSUIPC7.  However, there are plenty of other utilities you may encounter that will require it.  The basic FSUIPC7 is free to use.  The paid version unlocks other features which may or may not be useful to you.
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Re: CTDs
« Reply #72 on: August 21, 2022, 04:57:41 am »

No, it doesn't. It might still be useful for GSX usage, not because GSX would use it, but you could write LUA scripts to interact with GSX variables.

But if the reason of your question was because you think FSUIPC7 might be the cause of CTDs, I don't think it is, based on multiple evidence of may users with *no add-ons* installed still getting lots of CTDs.


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Re: CTDs
« Reply #73 on: August 21, 2022, 05:23:01 am »
I don't think it's GSX.  I think it's COUATL.  The only thing I can form opinions on are my own experiences. In my experience, I have never had CTDs in MSFS.  I got GSX to work for a little while (which I loved), but now, after changing nothing, I cannot load a flight without a CTD if I load COUATL before launching MSFS, which is the only way I was able to utilize GSX in MSFS.  It's just data.  Please use it for the next update.  You guys are amazing. Your ability to write code is without peer. Keep going!  The PMDG guys realize this.  Simmers all have different rigs with different configs.  You're realizing quickly that many simmers want to keep P3D because they've (we've) invested hundreds, if not thousands, in addons.  MSFS is and/or will be the same.  You have a product that almost EVERY MSFS simmer SHOULD have.  It needs to be flexible.  It's gonna get worse before it gets better, but please listen to us and don't chalk it up as anecdotal evidence.  Your products will get dismissed quite quickly.  Hardcore simmers feed on forums to solve problems.  We're smart.  We take hundreds of forum inputs to solve problems specific and unique to our own problems.  Keep this going, brother.  Your company is one of the most amazing simming companies out there.  Make this GSX as stable as your P3D version. Accept the challenge
« Last Edit: August 21, 2022, 05:46:19 am by virtuali »


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Re: CTDs
« Reply #74 on: August 21, 2022, 05:54:34 am »
I don't think it's GSX.  I think it's COUATL.  The only thing I can form opinions on are my own experiences.

And that's why you are wrong because, this is not politics, where you have the right of forming your own opinion, based on any criteria you decide, no matter how absurd it might look to others.

Computer science is called like this FOR A REASON, because something is either true for all or false for all, you can start by forming your own opinion but, as with science (again, I.T. IS science), you must be prepared to CONFRONT your own experience with reports from others because, by keep saying you "think it's Couatl" just because it seems to happening TO YOU, it doesn't mean it is the real "cause" of the problem, because other evidence gathered from a larger sample, other users, suggests the only common pattern here is we are in a "CTD week", which seem to have started slightly BEFORE GSX came out, which lead many to initially assume it has something to do with GSX, but clearly is not, because we have overwhelming reports that it can happen to anybody, with or without any add-ons.