I thought the issue may have been the night lighting add on was utilizing the DL overhead, but that doesn't appear to be the case.
It likely is, otherwise other users would have reported it by now, if it really were a problem of the scenery. Yes, it was reported before the fix, we fixed it, and nobody else except you has reported it again, after the fix.
With the night lighting disabled, I'm still not getting any DL on approach or after landing, until I pull right up to the gate, and then only the building I'm parked at will illuminate.
If I refresh the scenery cache, then all the DL works. Not sure what else to do.
Your description of the problem indicates that:
- the DL which are made as a standard .BGL, so they are handled entirely by the simulator without any control on our part, other than just placing the lights, are not working.
- the DL which are created by our Couatl engine (so they could appear/disappear only when you are close to the terminal) ARE working.
The problem is, making also the other lights handled by the Couatl engine, will likely fix this issue but, the more objects we create dynamically, the more the scenery will cause pauses when loading, so we wanted to use them only when absolutely necessary, and stick with the .BGL format for everything that is not supposed to go in/out based on some condition, which is the case of the background lights.
So, before taking some extra action, I would wanted to get at least another user report still having the same issue after the fix.