Author Topic: FSDT airports  (Read 4700 times)


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FSDT airports
« on: March 23, 2019, 10:19:57 am »
when I fly into FSDT airports from another at the end of the flight ,in final , the Fsx freeze and the message "memory is too low" appear .
The problem is the same after i have tested : KJFK,KLAS,KLAX,LSGG and LSZH.
This problem appear from my last FSX full re-install,
No problem when i use all other airports manufacturer.
Please tell me what i have to do before i place an order for some more FSDT airport's


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Re: FSDT airports
« Reply #1 on: March 23, 2019, 05:39:32 pm »
 Move to P3d V4 because it's 64bit and won't have those memory issues.


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Re: FSDT airports
« Reply #2 on: March 26, 2019, 01:51:53 pm »
The problem is not obviously caused by FSDT airports and, it's not true there aren't any problems with other developers airports, and you can easily verify this, by Googling for terms like "FlyTampa OOM", or "Flightbeam OOM", for example here:

I am just curious to know if there is someone who has successfully fly a PMDG 777 into Flytampa Toronto CYYZ. Even though I had a flight from Flightbeam KSFO HD to FSDT KLAX, I didn't experience OOM. My settings are definitely not agressive, but moderate. I have no idea why I still got OOM...

As explained so many times, it's NOBODY's fault if you are exhausting memory. It's not FlyTampa's fault or FSDT fault. What consumes memory is the COMBINATION of everything you are running at any given time so, for example, if you are running over KLAS, I'm fairly sure you are running with:

- A complex 3rd party add-on airplane. Some of them might take 1GB of RAM just for themselves. Of course, the airplane developer will tell you "it's because of the complex airport you are using, our airplane works fine with default airports!"

- A 3rd party mesh or Vector product, which adds a lot to the memory consumption.

- A 3rd party AI addon, with lots of different textures.

- Your settings too high

- A combination of all the above.

So no, it's not anybody's fault if you are OOM-ing, it's just you have to realize FSX has an hard limit of how much memory it can use as a 32 bit app so, regardless how much RAM you have, it will never use more than 4GB, with the real number being less than that, due to the way DirectX 9 ( assuming you use FSX in DirectX 9 ) works, which takes wasy system RAM to map VRAM into.

Running FSX in DirectX 10 might spare a bit more RAM, but still is a temporary solution, because you *will* eventually fill up 4GB anyway. Lowering your settings will surely help but, with modern hardware, it would be a waste having to lower the graphic quality your hardware might be capable of use, just because you are running an obsolete 32 bit application that cannot use your memory.

So yes, the only real solution is to switch to P3D4, like most users already did, which doesn't have any of these problems. Of course, all your existing FSDT products will be usable there, for free, since we never charge to "just" update to P3D4. Your existing license will all still valid.