I tried with:Departed from KMEM and had the blurries a few minutes later while flying, i.e., it's not solved yet.
Nobody ever said this is solved.
Assuming you ran the latest Live Update, the Disable RTT option has been changed only to be sure that nothing of the new things we are doing for this version, which is the Rendering To Texture using DirectX 11, might have some problem, possibly a P3D4 bug because, as far as I know, we are the first with a relased product using this feature.
With the previous version, even disabling RTT still called the object that was supposed to contain the rendered texture, which is the jetway number. Now, the whole object is not even created.
Which seems to confirm two things:
- The problem never was with any of the new things we do in our software, which were the ONLY ones we had some control over it (not entirely, because we still call officially documented functions provided by the simulator), because now when you disable them, there are not even there.
- Since many seem to confirm the problem disappears when reverting to default jetways, since they are totally standard objects with nothing special, other than having fairly large 4K textures, that goes back to square one, which is your system simply reached ITS OWN breaking point, which you were already close before installing GSX, which was just the proverbial "last straw that broke the camel's back".
We'll try to create a 2K or even 1K version of the texture. Maybe the simulator is using memory nevertheless, even you set a texture size lower that 4K so, reducing the size from the option might not be useful, and we *must* resize the texture themselves.