Hi Umberto,
I recently completed an OS reinstall and while setting up the sim again, I decided to update some parking positions to take advantage of the new stop position system added in based on preferred exits (Page 33/34 of manual).
While trying to do this, I’ve noticed inconsistent results and wanted to check whether I was doing anything wrong on my end or if there are extra conditions that were affecting this.
While I tested this at various airports, the focus in the following is on YMML B23 (Max Boeing 747) for the rest of the post.
Sim: Prepar3d V4.2
GSX: without any customisation of settings.
Scenery: Orbx YMML V3.2 at Bay Bravo 23
Aircraft: Various
To test the stopping position, the GSX “Just warp me there” was used.
As Prepar3d lacks default commercial aircraft, I copied the A321 and Boeing 747 simobjects across from FSX.
The default A321 behaved as expected however other aircraft did not.
Below are my findings:
Aircraft: Default A321---- use preferred exit ----
Preferred Exit: 1L
Expected: Yes
http://prntscr.com/j21yezPreferred Exit: 2L
Expected: Yes
https://prnt.sc/j21x02---- Ignore preferred exit ----
Preferred Exit: Either
Expected: Yes
http://prntscr.com/j220hjAircraft: Default B747---- use preferred exit ----
Preferred Exit: 1L
Expected: Yes
http://prntscr.com/j222b8Preferred Exit: 2L
Expected: No
http://prntscr.com/j221qnSame position for both doors.
---- Ignore preferred exit ----
Preferred Exit: Either
Expected: Yes
http://prntscr.com/j22142Blackbox A330-200When changing preferred exit and restarting couatl, the preferred exit resets in the UI but stays in gsx.cfg.
Preferred exit = 1L
preferredexit = 0
After changing in UI
Preferred exit = 2L
preferredexit = 1
After restarting couatl
Preferred exit = 1L
preferredexit = 1
All use preferred exit will be shown for here on as this part is where the issue is.
Aircraft: Blackbox A330-200Preferred Exit: 1L
Expected: Yes
https://prnt.sc/j22dhiPreferred Exit: 2L
Expected: Yes but only before restarting.
http://prntscr.com/j22ixlSame position for both doors (After restarting).
Aircraft: Blackbox A330-300Preferred Exit: 1L
Expected: Yes
https://prnt.sc/j22nl2Preferred Exit: 2L
Expected: No
https://prnt.sc/j22opxSame issue as A330-200 also occurs but 2L isn’t recognised even before restarting.
https://prnt.sc/j22pkgI also tried through team viewer on a friends computer with the PMDG 777 and 747 and similar issues occurred.
Same position for both doors.
Through Team Viewer:
PMDG 747Preferred Exit: 2L
Expected: Yes
http://prntscr.com/j22t0wPreferred Exit: 1L
Expected: No
http://prntscr.com/j22txlSaves correctly when restarting.
Same position for both doors.
PMDG 777-300ERPreferred Exit: 2L
Expected: Yes
http://prntscr.com/j22umrPreferred Exit: 1L
Expected: No
http://prntscr.com/j22v0hSame position for both doors.
PMDG 777-200LRPreferred Exit: 2L
Expected: Yes
http://prntscr.com/j22vhlPreferred Exit: 1L
Expected: No
http://prntscr.com/j22vqcSame position for both doors.
Unfortunately, I don’t have any nonPMDG and Blackbox aircraft to test the system. However, from this data, the Blackbox A330-200 and A330-300 preferred exit parameter doesn’t save. The A330-300, PMDG 747 and 777 seems to ignore the preferred exit. Not included in these pictures and results, the PMDG 737, when the rear exit is set as the preferred exit, no difference is in stopping position occurs. Thus it appears there is almost a maximum distance from wheel criteria and also an issue with saving of Blackbox aircraft preferred exit and possibly others.
Thanks for the work you do