Author Topic: Floating surroundings and sunk in  (Read 22353 times)


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Floating surroundings and sunk in
« on: April 21, 2009, 03:03:06 am »

I am enjoy the aiport greatly however there scenery on the surrounding ares is colapsed and some homes are floating.

Please help

Regards Laxclipper


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Re: Floating surroundings and sunk in
« Reply #1 on: April 21, 2009, 03:40:50 am »
LOL  :o  Bad grammar my bad...

My scenery around the airport is sunk in and some homes are floating...  I have megascenery las Vegas.

Thank you



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Re: Floating surroundings and sunk in
« Reply #2 on: April 21, 2009, 11:00:42 pm »
Same here: I run MegaSceneryX Las Vegas with KLAS and there seems to be a mesh issue between the two. I have trenches around the airport and sunken precincts as well. Perhaps it can be patched...


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Re: Floating surroundings and sunk in
« Reply #3 on: April 21, 2009, 11:07:40 pm »
Please, follow this thread here:

It's not a problem of the scenery, it's a problem of the mesh.


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Re: Floating surroundings and sunk in
« Reply #4 on: April 23, 2009, 05:40:15 am »

Thank you for your great support...

I always thought of Vegas being a Future City now with the floatings homes it truely is... ;D

I will keep looking on the net for ways on how to fix it.




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Re: Floating surroundings and sunk in
« Reply #5 on: April 25, 2009, 05:55:12 pm »
I had the same problem and fixed it by placing KLAS UNDER MegaSceneryX Vegas in the Scenery Library.  It looks pretty nasty with KLAS on the top of MegaSceneryX Vegas!!



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Re: Floating surroundings and sunk in
« Reply #6 on: April 26, 2009, 10:15:52 am »
Hmm that is interesting. I have neither of those addons for fsx, but am still getting the acropolis effect. I have utx and gex, and that is it texture and mesh wise. Any thoughts?


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Re: Floating surroundings and sunk in
« Reply #7 on: April 27, 2009, 01:11:51 am »
"I have neither of those addons for fsx, but am still getting the acropolis effect. I have utx and gex, and that is it texture and mesh wise. Any thoughts?"

UTX and GEX will not cause this type of acropolis effect.  What you need to do is lower your scenery settings.  Your mesh resolution should not be any higher than 38m and your texture resolution should be no higher than 1m.  Lowering or raising these two sliders will have no effect on UTX or GEX but they will affect some airports and some buildings.  If you have the settings all the way to the right, this will cause ground objects and textures to rise up.  Play with the mesh resolution slider as this is the main one that raises and lowers ground resolutions.  If you ever buy a mesh addon from DreamTeam or FS Dreamscapes, you can raise the mesh setting higher.  But for default, I would leave it at 38m. Believe me, you can get crisp and clear ground scenery textures with lower settings.  It will help on frame rates too!  Hope this helps!

Best regards,


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Re: Floating surroundings and sunk in
« Reply #8 on: April 27, 2009, 04:14:13 am »
I just tried your recommended settings and, the problem still exists. WHat next. The problem isnt just at the airport, if you start at either 25 L or right, and pan around the outside of the plane you will see that there is a huge depression around the city.

This FSDT scenery is by far the one that I have had the most issues with. It seems like it was rushed out. I have never had any of these issues with any of their other scenerys. If I was FSDT I would either pull the product and patch it or be working on a update to fix some of these issues. Afcad, flickering textures, bleed though, acropolis effect, jetway head not turning all the way.
« Last Edit: April 27, 2009, 04:20:03 am by bkircher »


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Re: Floating surroundings and sunk in
« Reply #9 on: April 27, 2009, 01:05:37 pm »
I just tried your recommended settings and, the problem still exists. WHat next. The problem isnt just at the airport, if you start at either 25 L or right, and pan around the outside of the plane you will see that there is a huge depression around the city.

This FSDT scenery is by far the one that I have had the most issues with. It seems like it was rushed out. I have never had any of these issues with any of their other scenerys. If I was FSDT I would either pull the product and patch it or be working on a update to fix some of these issues. Afcad, flickering textures, bleed though, acropolis effect, jetway head not turning all the way.

Sorry to hear this, but please list your add-on for same area, here the pics from a Standard FSX with only KLAS, the scenery, on my pc, is perfectly integrated, no floating surroundings, for afcad problem there is a patch planned for next days, the jetway is created to reach a point coded on airplane cfg file, please test with other aircraft.

[attachment deleted by admin]


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Re: Floating surroundings and sunk in
« Reply #10 on: April 27, 2009, 02:08:36 pm »

This is being worked on, the FSX version will include all the latest developement from the FS9 versions made by Harpsi (and all the others the helped him with suggestions)

flickering textures, bleed though

There are no flickering textures, and nobody reported it so far. The bleed patch was for FS9 only, FSX version doesn't have this issue.

Unless you are referring to the flickering of the Las Vegas buildings, that happens when scenery shadows on ground are turned on, but that's a bug of the default scenery (and it happens everywere) those buildings are not part of our scenery.

Or, you are using DX10, which flickers also on the default scenery.

acropolis effect

This shouldn't be an issue in FSX, because in FSX we DO provide a small local mesh to smooth out elevation differences. However, if you have another mesh with higher resolution, it will always show up. What do you have installed ? And, how do you set your mesh complexity slider ?

jetway head not turning all the way.

This is not related to the scenery. The jetways just have control bones, but it's FSX that moves them independently.

Problems like this and also issues like jetway wheels going into the ground appear also with the default jetways on the default scenery, (it's just that people dont' usally fly the default sceneries), and the effect changes depending on the airplane, and it's not something we can fix, unless we replace entirely the jetway system, which is something we are considering to do.


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Re: Floating surroundings and sunk in
« Reply #11 on: April 27, 2009, 08:02:01 pm »
I have UTX, GEX, and Vegas X, that one dudes "strip addon." That is all I have for the vegas area. Ill go and post some shots of what I am getting.


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Re: Floating surroundings and sunk in
« Reply #12 on: April 27, 2009, 08:44:00 pm »
I wasnt complaing about the wheels going into the ground, I am saying that at some of the gates, the jetway head will not complely turn to match your airplane. So you will be left with and angle where as it should be perfectly parallel to the door of the aircraft.

Anyways here are some shots of what I have gotten in the past and what I am getting now. THe first one is what I have now, as you can see it is not significantly elevated, but is deff noticable. Second is what I have had in the past.

[attachment deleted by admin]


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Re: Floating surroundings and sunk in
« Reply #13 on: April 27, 2009, 08:44:51 pm »
I have UTX, GEX, and Vegas X, that one dudes "strip addon." That is all I have for the vegas area.

Have you tried disabling each one of these independently, and see which one is causing the problem ?


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Re: Floating surroundings and sunk in
« Reply #14 on: April 27, 2009, 08:45:58 pm »
I have not done that yet. I dont believe you can with gex, since it is a texture package.