Hi Everyone,
I'm running into a problem initiating my ground services at numerous airports. Using P3D v4.1. This is a new problem that seems to have occurred out of no where. I haven't made any new installs or significant changes. It looks like I am properly parked at a spot and will try to initiate ground services. Instead of being given the typical options to board, etc, GSX is asking me to select my parking spot (so not identifying that I am actually at one). If I ask GSX to warp me to the assigned spot, it puts the plane in the middle of a building. Obviously seems like an AFCAD issue. But I haven't had this problem before. FSDreamTeam LAX just worked fine. FlyTampa Dubai and ORBX Melbourne did not. I've used all these airports successfully in the past with GSX. I ran the FSDT Live Update, updated couatl, reloaded airport cache, and even tried renaming AFCADs that I thought were the culprits to .off. No luck. Any thoughts? Thanks.