Author Topic: NEW AFCAD FOR KLAS  (Read 84647 times)


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« Reply #105 on: May 04, 2009, 03:06:15 am »
But the flightplans such as those from AIG are still using USA.  Perhaps using both AWE and USA is the best comprimise for now.


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« Reply #106 on: May 04, 2009, 05:08:39 am »

A new file is in the first post. I added some parking positions and changed others. JNT codes are now in the west side of the airport as well. Try this one and comment. Anyway the file from Mike is also a good one with a different "parking" approach in the west side of the airport. Anyway, I think that this question of parking positions depends from the traffic each one uses. I added a lot of stands, but I can not add more 100 or 200 stands, just because one user decides to use a lot of Ga traffic. I think that 110 parking positions which include the JNT ones, the cargo stands and a few military spots is more than enough to handle all Ga traffic.

One more note: since a lot of users have the problem of the default taxi widths, I changed all the necessary ones  to 1 feet. I don´t have that problem but since there are a lot of users with it, I changed widths just fit all tastes and faced problems.


Harpsi you've done some outstanding work with the various FSDT sceneries and it's amazing you do this stuff for free.  I say the same thing for Mike more so looking at his latest version of the KLAS afcad (which doesn't contain crossing runways) is so spot on it's hard to choose between the two.  I've flown more that a few approaches with Mikes AFCAD and I'm finding I really like the file all around.  Everything from the vectors into the airport to the GA parking and accurate airline gates it's hard to choose between the Harpsi file and his.  Harpsi does your latest file have crossing runways included which I find more than not vector me to phantom runways (22R/L) that are no where near the actual airport?   Also does an afcad affect the vectored approach pattern into an airport?  The approach into KLAS seems modified compared to sceneries I've had of KLAS in the past.  Mike's last file really hit the nail on the head and I hope whichever one FSDT decides to officially include in their product the other Afcad get's uploaded on sites like and Avsim.  Both of you guys need a paycheck for your efforts here...  ;)
« Last Edit: May 04, 2009, 05:13:38 am by Dillon »


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« Reply #107 on: May 04, 2009, 09:04:06 pm »

My file has crosswind runways from the beginning.

About phantoms, well, I never got them if you are talking about AI traffic... If you are talking about your own aircraft, I must say that I don´t fly seriously for more than 3 years... I just work on these little things like sceneries for FSDT because I don´t have time to fly. Maybe you can test yourself and tell me what you think. :)

For the rest feel free to choose one of the two files. The latest version is already in the first post.



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« Reply #108 on: May 05, 2009, 06:03:26 am »
Harpsi people like you are amazing.  You can put together such outstanding work and never test it out much less fly in the sim.  I'm busy these days myself flying in the real world so I don't have time to test but I do get plenty of sim time in.  FS9 is amazing for practicing when one can't get up in the real plane.  Anyway if I have some time I'll see if I spot the same issue I saw before otherwise Mike's file this time around has impressed me enough to use it until I have some extra time.  :)


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« Reply #109 on: May 05, 2009, 03:32:37 pm »
Harpsi people like you are amazing.  You can put together such outstanding work and never test it out much less fly in the sim.  I'm busy these days myself flying in the real world so I don't have time to test but I do get plenty of sim time in.  FS9 is amazing for practicing when one can't get up in the real plane.  Anyway if I have some time I'll see if I spot the same issue I saw before otherwise Mike's file this time around has impressed me enough to use it until I have some extra time.  :)

Tks for your nice words. I really can´t test it more. At this moment I am even writing on a cyber cafe because I don´t have internet at time for some days, because of a problem on the telephone line. So, if people are happy with the file posted in the first post, great. If someone thinks it needs more adjustments, i will try to do something in a few days. However I think that at this moment we are getting two good files and the afcad work is getting stable. You can choose between both files. :)



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« Reply #110 on: July 22, 2009, 10:16:50 pm »
I am uploading an edited AFCAD from MikeS all I did was adjusted the parking to reflect the current parking at McCarran I opted to assign Alligant to D1-D14 to keep them from parking at GA and Cargo locations since D5-D14 are shut down (until someone moves to them maybe US Airway since they do not need all the gate space anymore over at A & B). I also closed 25R to landing aircraft and kept 25R for departures to help the backup on the ground you can always uncheck close 25R if you want.
