Author Topic: Many problem since GSX v2.2  (Read 6544 times)


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Many problem since GSX v2.2
« on: November 13, 2017, 09:25:15 pm »

Got many problem since version 2.2. same problems , different airports, PMDG 777 P3Dv4

- An unused third cargo loader is always roaming around my plane
- Many times after deboarding passenger i ask for catering, they never arrive and after a while I got a couatl error message for restarting couatl
- Many times after boarding or deboarding passengers , it says baggage loading/unloading in progress even if it is done and it never ends
- Many times the boarding end with a couatl error message for restarting couatl

Never had these problems with previous version
see reports below :

couatl v3.2 (build 3852)
panic log started on Wed Oct 25 00:50:49 2017
« Last Edit: November 16, 2017, 09:07:53 am by virtuali »


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Re: Many problem since GSX v2.2
« Reply #1 on: November 16, 2017, 09:08:28 am »
couatl v3.2 (build 3852)

Run the FSDT Live Update, since your version is outdated.


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Re: Many problem since GSX v2.2
« Reply #2 on: November 16, 2017, 02:12:54 pm »
Hey there, I just made the last live update since this morning and there's still a problem with the fuel, when I order the fuel with the FSLabs fuel menu, fuel truck still continue to come way after the proper quantity has been loaded. It just never stops. I had the same problem with the baggage unloading that never ends; in action order: pax and bags unloading starts; baggage unloading is over, pax unboarding is over then it starts back the bags unloading but the baggage trucks are away, then it never ends. If I try to call the catering, it says that the baggs unloading must be finished first. I'm starting the flight and i'll tell you if the baggs problem persists.

Flying the FSlabs Concorde X.

Still one of the best addons i've got up to now, and I really appreciate the great support you guys give!



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Re: Many problem since GSX v2.2
« Reply #3 on: November 16, 2017, 03:39:35 pm »
there's still a problem with the fuel, when I order the fuel with the FSLabs fuel menu, fuel truck still continue to come way after the proper quantity has been loaded. It just never stops

This can only happen because the airplane is still pumping fuel.

. I had the same problem with the baggage unloading that never ends

This problem is entirely different, and it should be fixed with the current Live Update.


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Re: Many problem since GSX v2.2
« Reply #4 on: November 16, 2017, 04:38:38 pm »
I need to do my Live Update as well. I'm going to miss my air-headed dude driving that third baggage loader around haha
« Last Edit: November 17, 2017, 09:46:40 am by virtuali »


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Re: Many problem since GSX v2.2
« Reply #5 on: November 16, 2017, 05:36:09 pm »
Hem, the airplane is not pumping fuel; when I choose the amount of fuel and press ok, the amount of fuel is then fueld straight in the a/c, even if the fuel progressivly box is checked . But I tried in both situations (checked or no and same issue) The only point where it went ok is if I was loading less than 10000 gal on the aircraft. But as long as multiple trips are required (wich is checked also) its like if the fuel  loaded between each trip has resetted to 0. But I did not load any other fuel in between..


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Re: Many problem since GSX v2.2
« Reply #6 on: November 16, 2017, 05:41:06 pm »
And deboarding now works fine!

Thanks for that!


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Re: Many problem since GSX v2.2
« Reply #7 on: November 17, 2017, 10:18:21 am »
when I choose the amount of fuel and press ok, the amount of fuel is then fueld straight in the a/c

Please clarify what do mean with "I choose the amount of fuel and press ok". Where ? In the default fuel loading page of the sim ? Is this the correct way of refueling this particular airplane, or does it have its separate system, controlled in a custom way ?

What's important is that, if your airplane is loading the fuel instantly, you must wait for the truck to arrive, and the message "Please use the refueling system of your airplane to refuel", before you change the fuel, using whatever fuel settings the airplane has (either default or custom).

See the complete procedure explained at Page 17 of the GSX manual, the paragraph covering "A 3rd party airplane without a Progressive Refueling simulation"


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Re: Many problem since GSX v2.2
« Reply #8 on: November 17, 2017, 11:08:38 am »
Yeah I did the exact procedure as described in the manual. When the fuel truck arrives, I wait for the message that say that I can fuel via the external program. With the 11 fuel tanks, I can’t really load the fuel with the default fsx fuel page anyway. This is done via addons menu (in fsx)->fslabs-> fuel load. Then I choose the correct amount of fuel, then press ok. Then I go back to the aircraft, it takes 1-2 seconds I see the fuel reservoirs getting the fuel, then everything stabilize and I don’t touch anything anymore. During that 1-2 seconds, the fuel truck starts to pump.

Hope this is better


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Re: Many problem since GSX v2.2
« Reply #9 on: November 17, 2017, 03:24:49 pm »
During that 1-2 seconds, the fuel truck starts to pump

You mean you see the fuel counter going up. On airplane with a custom fuel system which is flagged as such, the truck doesn't pump anything.

In any case, I just tried it now, using the PMDG 747, using the instant fuel load, started from 38% and asked for 60% after the  "Please use the refueling system of your airplane to refuel" message from GSX came out, and it works normally: I've got two trucks, then the refuel stopped and I could selected other services.


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Re: Many problem since GSX v2.2
« Reply #10 on: November 17, 2017, 03:39:18 pm »
Ok last time I’ve tried, initial fuel load was at 13000kgs, needed 63100kgs so around 16200 gals. The first truck went instantly to 10000 gals fueled, disconnected and another truck was on his way. Then the second fuel truck did fuel another 10 000gals incrementally like I could see his counter on the side of the truck rising slowly as well as the green message on top of the screen, but the aircraft gauges were at 63100kgs not moving of course. So I just restarted couatl to continue with the other services.

And yeah I see the counters coming up very fast, I mean the same way as I see the wheels suspensions going down..
« Last Edit: November 17, 2017, 03:46:22 pm by Burnieboy »


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Re: Many problem since GSX v2.2
« Reply #11 on: November 17, 2017, 04:08:11 pm »
The first truck went instantly to 10000 gals fueled, disconnected and another truck was on his way. Then the second fuel truck did fuel another 10 000gals incrementally like I could see his counter on the side of the truck rising slowly as well as the green message on top of the screen, but the aircraft gauges were at 63100kgs not moving of course. So I just restarted couatl to continue with the other services.

As explained in the manual, the GSX fuel truck WILL NOT refuel the airplane, if the airplane is flagged as having a custom fuel system. It's the AIRPLANE which is refueling itself, with GSX being just a cosmetic animation.

This means that, if the airplane you use refuels instantly, the gauges will display the final quantity immediately, but you still must wait for GSX to do its animations, which will be very fast if the "always refuel progressively" option is Disabled, or controlled by the Fuel Acceleration slider, if the "always refuel progressively" option is Enabled.

In your case, it should have loaded 10000 gals with the first truck and 6485 with the 2nd one ( ( 63100 kg - 13000 kg ) / 3.0391 = fuel weight for gallon )


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Re: Many problem since GSX v2.2
« Reply #12 on: November 17, 2017, 04:17:50 pm »
I’ll check this afternoon but that’s mainly de point. Everything went exactly as you described except that the second fuel truck didn’t stop at 6485 gal but continued all the way to 10 000,disconnected then another truck was in his way. And it never ends. That’s where is the problem. Not able to call another service. Now i’m pretty sure you see what I mean 😊 Because all the animations works properly, it just never ends..


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Re: Many problem since GSX v2.2
« Reply #13 on: November 19, 2017, 02:54:39 am »
Alright! Good news! I did a first flight where the second fuel truck has stopped properly! But then my second leg pax deboarded okay then the fuel truck came and surprise! It started to fuel at the same time that the message of please use the refueling system on your airplane to refuel appeared,and I ain’t touched anything. So I’m trying to see if it could be the cause of a fuel pump I forgot to close maybe with all the transfer fuel we can make but for now no result.

I flipped some other switches in the aircraft, now the fuel truck comes and as soon as he is in position , it shows refueling complete but I haven’t touched anything in the options. So I continue to check with some other switches.

I’ve found something about it I think. The Concorde has 4 fuel tanks only that directly feed the engines, as soon as I emptied them partially, the system wanted to refuel again. It didn’t stop tonight. Arriving my next destination, everything went ok, had the message to fuel with the program and this time it didn’t start to fuel by himself but have waited til I ordered the fuel in the program, but then never ends. It was from 10100kgs to 53600kgs so à refuel of around 1 full truck +4309gal for a total of 14309 et I finally restart couatl by 20 was pp gals
« Last Edit: November 19, 2017, 07:38:32 am by Burnieboy »


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Re: Many problem since GSX v2.2
« Reply #14 on: November 25, 2017, 03:33:27 pm »
Hello again, so I tried with the majestic dash 8 and it worked perfect, so i’m Pretty sure there’s no problem on the installation or the fueling procedure of when to open what window etc. So my guess would be there is an issue with the fact Concorde has several fuel tanks and they don’t have all the same role as some are to feed the engines, others are for collecting fuel for the feeders and other are for the balance of the a/c as the c of g has to change with the speed. This should explain also why the fslabs should work properly even if it’s the same developper..