Author Topic: Strange Dallas issue after reinstall **SOLVED**  (Read 8176 times)


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Strange Dallas issue after reinstall **SOLVED**
« on: August 01, 2017, 03:34:03 am »
 Hi in FSX/ accel in a Win7/64 bit machine I reinstalled DFW using the newest installer.I know AFCADs are not supposed to have anything to do with COUATL or scenery display, but my system is doing something weird.If I use the original AFCAD or any of the ones available here or at Avsim the scenery works as advertised, no problems at all. (though it does seem to take longer to display after spawn. about 15-20 seconds.) Addon manager shows installed and active. If I modify the AFCAD (original or downloaded) using either ADE 1.65 or ADE 1.70 the scenery will no longer display. The Addon manager  then shows active  not in scenery library. Scenery library shows it installed and close inspection of the scenery.cfg shows a good install, sequential numbering and correct path. No other AFCADS exist. Restoring the original AFCAD does not fix, only rectified by a reinstall. I have troubleshot this and verified this result several times. The couatl panic log only shows this

couatl v3.2 (build 3829)
panic log started on Sat Jul 29 11:59:08 2017

problem raised by engine or unspecified addon
Bglmanx disconnected prematurely
{'Airport': 'KDFW', 'User Pos': (32.87951134357434, -97.03000849401535, 190.057 m, 4.92462 m, 0.26008915592621035)}
disconnected from SimConnect.

Any ideas?
« Last Edit: August 06, 2017, 02:33:54 pm by virtuali »


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Re: Strange Dallas issue after reinstall
« Reply #1 on: August 01, 2017, 01:35:04 pm »
I don't think the AFCAD has anything to do with this.

The error seems to be a problem with your FSX.CFG, which might have been reset/changed and lost the Simobjectpaths line that installs the FSDT objects, which explains why a reinstall fixes it, since the installer will put it back.

Note that, if you change the AFCAD and use a different name for it you will:

- cause a conflict with the original AFCAD, if you don't remove it

- lose the whole GSX customization we made for it.

So, if you *really* want to change the AFCAD, be sure you use same name as the FSDT one, and place it in the original folder, overwriting the original.


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Re: Strange Dallas issue after reinstall
« Reply #2 on: August 02, 2017, 06:50:28 am »
Well, I tried to isolate it to that. I started fSX, made sure DFW was working. I reviewed my scenery.cfg, all entries proper. I reviewed my FSX.cfg. No corruption noted, All simobjects entries sequential and correct. I then made a couple of airline code changes to the AFCAD with ADE. I made sure to compile with the original file name. Ran FSX, now DFW fails to appear, Addon manager indicates Active not in scenery library. I then went to  2 other FSDT airports LAS and LAX. both work. After shutting down the sim I rechecked scenery and FSX .cfgs all was normal, all simobject entries accounted for. after reinstalling DFW and retesting to make sure it worked, I modified the AFCAD for LAS , then LAX. Everything worked normally. DFW showed up like normal.. I can modify any FSDT AFCAD, with normal results, except DFW. If I modify DFW the scenery disappears, and addon manager shows active but not in scenery library.I've attached my FSX.cfg . Maybe you will see something I missed.
I just don't understand this at all


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Re: Strange Dallas issue after reinstall
« Reply #3 on: August 03, 2017, 01:58:36 pm »
I made sure to compile with the original file name. Ran FSX, now DFW fails to appear, Addon manager indicates Active not in scenery library.

I'm sorry but, as I've said, changing the AFCAD wouldn't have any effect on the Addon Manager finding the scenery. My remark about the Simobjectpaths possibly missing were related to your original post, which supplied an error log which seems to indicate that.

However, in your subsequent posts, you don't seem to have this error anymore so, it's JUST a matter of the Addon Manager not finding the scenery now ?

The file the Addon Manager checks for to see if the scenery is really installed is this one:


It doesn't care if the AFCAD changes so, maybe you are changing THIS file too ?


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Re: Strange Dallas issue after reinstall
« Reply #4 on: August 04, 2017, 05:56:38 pm »
Ok, I'll check and see if that is happening.


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Re: Strange Dallas issue after reinstall
« Reply #5 on: August 05, 2017, 03:50:00 pm »
YESSS! That's exactly what was happening. I was compiling in the scenery folder and ADE was modifying the object file. a settings change and procedure change and all is well. thanks