most of the ground textures/polys at KCLT (demo) are like this - with lines all the way through them at night.
They are sort of shiny and speckles that flow and are everywhere.
Your screenshot doesn't show any problem, that's how the scenery is supposed to look like.
You are just not accustomed to normal maps correctly showing at night, and they are more visible with landing nights because of the light hitting the terrain at low angle. Before P3D V4, normal maps didn't work at night, that's why you might assume it's a problem, but it's not.
The bigger and brighter the acft lights (PMDG 777 and 747) the worse they are.
We already toned them down a bit, but it's not possible to make a different version of the texture depending on the airplane used. But it would be wrong going back to the old unrealistically flat lighting at night, by removing normal maps altogether.