Author Topic: Installation Question  (Read 11189 times)


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Re: Installation Question
« Reply #15 on: June 01, 2017, 04:20:49 pm »
Try to download and install the Stand-Alone Addon Manager.


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Re: Installation Question
« Reply #16 on: June 02, 2017, 03:29:27 am »
Try to download and install the Stand-Alone Addon Manager.

Tried it. Still nothing showing up in v3.

Intel Core i7 6700K @ 4.7GHz
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Re: Installation Question
« Reply #17 on: June 02, 2017, 06:33:59 pm »
Then download and install the full scenery installer.


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Installation Question
« Reply #18 on: June 15, 2017, 01:06:52 am »
Am having similar issue in FSX. My issue is regarding the migration function of the new Addon Manager. Will not rehash all the prior complaints about the lack of notification of the new program moving all of the sceneries. My issue is that after all of the sceneries are moved to the selected / default directory, none of the sceneries terminals and buildings or GSX vehicles display in the sceneries.  This condition is true for all FSDT and Flightbeam sceneries. In my instance it is after installing FSDT Chicago O'Hare.

They all work before the new Addon Manager installs and migrates the existing sceneries to the new directory. And before you reply, Antivirus is disabled before the install, the Scenery.cfg paths for all sceneries are updated successfully to the new directory location, Couatl, GSX  and the Addon Manager load into FSX Addon pulldown menu on startup.. just no GSX vehicles or buildings. Runways and ground textures display as expected.


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Re: Installation Question
« Reply #19 on: June 15, 2017, 11:29:07 am »
And before you reply, Antivirus is disabled before the install, the Scenery.cfg paths for all sceneries are updated successfully to the new directory location, Couatl, GSX  and the Addon Manager load into FSX Addon pulldown menu on startup.. just no GSX vehicles or buildings. Runways and ground textures display as expected.

The problem was likely that your FSX.CFG was already corrupted or had some error, so when the installer moved all the sceneries, it didn't updated it, in order not risk to corrupt it even more.

Before, we just dumped our objects in the default Simobject\Misc folder so, if you were lucky, and no other addon had corrupted the lines that should always be present in each default install (we had plenty of these case reported), the objects could be found.

Now, since we install outside the sim, we need to *add* the line that loads the objects containing the new path to the fsx.cfg so, if this one has some kind of problem, it's possible the installer couldn't add it, which explain why Couatl gives you an error, because the SIM itself cannot find the objects.

Check if all the Simobjectspaths lines in the FSX.CFG are all numbered in sequence, there are no double section and the line that adds the objects in the Addon Manager folder is present and pointing to the correct one. It should, because we add it from the installer but, as I've said, only if your FSX.CFG was clean.


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Installation Question
« Reply #20 on: June 15, 2017, 05:48:30 pm »
Before I attempt reinstalling O'Hare, is there anything that is modified other than migrating the existing scenery folders and revising paths or new entries in FSX.CFG, DLL.XML and EXE.XML for the Addon Manager and SODE that I should check if it again fails? I have done the uninstall process and reinstall three times  now (before my original post here), and would like to minimize the need to do that again. I have six FSDT & and three Flightbeam purchased sceneries, so is a bit of wasted time to keep doing this process. I look at all of these files and there does not appear to be any errors or bad syntax in the existing entries (and they work). Unfortunately I did not know to check all of these when I had the error condition after installing O'Hare to see what might have failed. They are correct with the installs prior to Addon Manager, all prior existing sceneries work and I have now backed them up. Next step reinstall O'Hare.



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Re: Installation Question
« Reply #21 on: June 15, 2017, 05:58:03 pm »
First, be sure you use the most current version of all the installers, since we updated them a couple of times during the past week. This is what the migration does in FSX:

- It will move all your FSDT/Flightbeam sceneries, from their actual location under FSX\fsdreamteam or FSX\flightbeam, into the new Addon Manager folder, which is the one you'll specify when installing.

- It will move all the FSDT and Flightbeam Simobjects from the FSX\Simobjects\Misc folder, into to the new Addon Manager\Simobjects\Misc folder

- If will update the scenery.cfg to indicate updated paths. This assumes the scenery.cfg is clean of syntax errors.

- It will update the DLL.XML and EXE.XML files with the updated paths for bglmanx.dll (DLL.XML) and Couatl.exe (EXE.XML).

- It will add the following line to the FSX.CFG, assuming it's clean from errors, and all the existing Simobjectpaths lines are numbered in order, which is how it's supposed to be:

Simobjectpaths.XX=C:\Program Files (x86)\Addon Manager\Simobjects\Misc  ( where XX is +1 than the currently highest number in the list )


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Installation Question
« Reply #22 on: June 16, 2017, 03:57:22 am »
Well, thanks for the replies. Unfortunately, everything in your last list of what the migration was to perform worked but the previously existing sceneries that were moved from the FSDT and Flightbeam subfolders and in FSX still do not display the terminals (same as before described in original post). The O'Hare scenery installed with the new Addon Manager setup EXE (oharex_setup.exe) displays fine.

I have screen prints of 1) PHNL after the install with no terminals displaying, FSX Addon drop down menu with Couatl, GSX and Addon Manager loaded and functioning, 2) Addon Manager control panel screen showing PHNL "Installed and ACTIVE", and 3) the O'Hare scenery loaded in FSX displaying correctly. I do not know how to attach/paste images or a PDF into this message using the "Insert Image" menu for this forum (sorry, first time poster). If it helps resolve, I can send separately in JPG or PDF format if you can provide directions. Also can send you the FSX.exe, EXE.xml and DLL.xml if they would help troubleshoot... I have before and after O'Hare install copies.

Seems at this point of troubleshooting, there should be few other possible causes. If no other suggestions, I wonder if installing O'Hare first then follow with all other sceneries after Addon Manager path is set and locked. Would this option also work correctly with setting the scenery installation path for all Flightbeam sceneries installers? If can't get this resolved soon, I am just going to live with the previously installed FSDT sceneries, trash the newly purchased O'Hare and live without any FSDTs that I do not currently own. Love your sceneries and Flightbeam so much I have pretty much abandoned using freeware sceneries, but this will soon get where no longer worth the effort to install for a game.

Please do not suggest reinstalling Windows as I have seen for some other posts. This is the only game on a system primarily used for business. Not an option to reinstall and reconfigure other software to make scenery work.

UPDATE: While browsing & trying to resolve issue myself tonight, have found that all Flightbeam sceneries do work/display correctly after the migration of existing sceneries.  The only sceneries that do not work are the migrated FSDT sceneries. Have checked all of them and none display including terminals, nor airport ground/runway elements. Only the MegaScenery photoreal scenery displays (FSDT sceneries are at highest level in the Scenery.CFG). Secondly, was going to attempt reinstalling KHOU for grins to see if it would display after reinstalling, but it wanted to install in the FSX\Fsdreamteam directory not the Addon Manager\Fsdreamteam subdirectory. Also noticed that there is not a airport subdirectory for the migrated FSDT airports containing a __init__.pye in Addon Manager\couatl (i.e. <path>\Addon Manager\couatl\<airport subdirectory>). There is one for common, GSX, Liveupdate, wx, OhareX and each of the Flightbeam sceneries. Is this correct, or should there be subdirectories for the migrated FSDT sceneries?
« Last Edit: June 16, 2017, 06:15:08 am by hollywood »


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Re: Installation Question
« Reply #23 on: June 16, 2017, 11:25:45 am »
I'm sorry, but I find very difficult to follow your post and it would be close to impossible trying to figure it out which file of the sim was corrupted or with errors, which lead to some of the migrated sceneries to stop working.

But it's really a waste of time trying to retro-troublshooting it, it will be just easier to:

- Uninstall *EVERY* FSDT and Flightbeam scenery. Reply YES to the question "Do you want to remove the Addon Manager?"

- Download ALL their updated installers and install only using the updated installers.


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Installation Question
« Reply #24 on: June 16, 2017, 10:57:28 pm »
OK... reinstalling everything again was a pain but it worked, so worth the effort. Guess I needed the new installer versions for all FSDT and Flightbeam sceneries to reinstall in lieu of the auto migration using the single new scenery. Don't see what is different in the affected files, but all now display and work correctly. Thanks for your input to resolve, and the work you guys do creating all of the great sceneries.