Author Topic: Anyone have weird problem w/ PMDG 777 after installing the Hawaiian Airports?  (Read 4148 times)


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I've had a stable P3D V3.0 since 9/2015, no problems w/ any add ons etc.  I decided to install the FSDT Hawaiian Airports and suddenly when changing views in the 777, or other button inputs, there is a 1-2 second lag in the video display.   I have many other airports and sceneries, and near as I can tell it was installing the Hawaiian Airports that was what was done immediately before this problem w/ the 777 appeared.  So I uninstalled the airports, unfortunately to no avail.  So could have been or must of been something other than these airports.   I tried system restore to an earlier date a few days ago, but then P3D would not start, so I ended up restoring a full image done early this year, and all's well again.  But I really liked those airports in the past and ended up uninstalling them years ago do to a real problem w/ a memory leak, or something that would just destroy frame rates insidiously over many minutes of flying.

Anyway, if you're using the 777 and these airports w/ no troubles, please let me know.  Or if there other problems with these airports and P3D V3.x.
