Author Topic: g2d.dll error everywhere in US and EU  (Read 7501 times)


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g2d.dll error everywhere in US and EU
« on: July 19, 2016, 02:15:57 am »
hi ,
    I really need some help here !!!!!
EVERYTHING was ok...even at kjfk...then 2 days ago i launched a flight ( kord to kjfk and landing on 22R )...i never succeded to land :
first try : ctd 10 NM before base leg
second try : ctd on base leg ( i was thinking that it was an OOM because od NY city addon of DD , so i started removing 1 bgl of NY= city NY_large_N.OFF)
3rd try : i landed but ctd on runway ( so i removed another bgl = NY_large_S.OFF )
4th try : landed on 22R but ctd when exiting...

At this time i stoped because it was late and hoping to succed the next day...

in fact, today, i tried to make it but i had a huge surprise : now fsx is just launching the splash menu, the trike turn about 270° and then CTD !!!!
After many tries i can't launch any more !!!!  (see g2d_dll_prob1.jpg )

So i did some usual checks and i found this : using event viewer ( also attached appcrashview txt )

Faulting application name: fsx.exe, version: 10.0.61637.0, time stamp: 0x46fadb14
Faulting module name: g2d.dll, version: 10.0.61637.0, time stamp: 0x46fadb58
Exception code: 0xc0000005
Fault offset: 0x000843ac
Faulting process id: 0x1b90
Faulting application start time: 0x01d1e11f4b84ee19
Faulting application path: E:\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\fsx.exe
Faulting module path: E:\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\g2d.dll
Report Id: d0cec374-4d12-11e6-bf56-54271efc6a65

I know that some people encountered the same problem with kjfk and may be the same runway...i won't blame kjfk here for sure but !
I also know that it may be something else causing the trouble but i can't find it !!!!!!

i even tried to uinstall couat or kjfk and i ended up with an error message ( see g2d_dll_prob2.jpg  , g2d_dll_prob3.jpg)
Then i tried to uninstall VFXCENTRAL ( oldprop immersions packages) and it also responded with an error message !!!

When reinstalling kjfk or couat Mcafee quarantined the bglmanx.dll file twice during the process...and i restored it but nothing do !
( do you have a proper bglmanx.dll file so i can paste it ? )

Also, can you tell me which VCredist i have to install ? to make sure !

Sorry but i don't see the origin of this problem ????

I am attaching both dll.xml and exe.xml , may be they are corrupted some how  ???? i am saying this because after reinstalling couat it said
to me during the install that the exe.xml got corrupted...and created a new one ( exe.xml attached)

Please, any advice ??? i really don't want to make a fresh install for this !!!!

thanks for your help !!!! the last time i had a ctd like this i was resolved via the bglmanx files ... but now i just can't make it !!!

[ i use fsx boxed + accelleration , fsx on separate drive, fsuipc registered , rex ess+OD, win 7 64 bit i7 4930k@4.5 Ghz , 16 GB ram @ 2400Mhz Quad channel , asus gtx 780 ti platinum, Mcafee installed )

« Last Edit: July 19, 2016, 01:44:23 pm by virtuali »


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Re: fsx CTD after KJFK with g2d.dll error (PLEASE HELP)
« Reply #1 on: July 19, 2016, 04:51:16 am »
Why you think the crash has anything to do with JFK ? Nothing in your reports indicates the crash has anything to do with any of our modules ( bglmanx.dll and couatl.exe ), the G2D.DLL crash happens in FSX itself.

i even tried to uinstall couat or kjfk and i ended up with an error message ( see g2d_dll_prob2.jpg  , g2d_dll_prob3.jpg)

That's because, as the message clearly says, your EXE.XML is corrupted, with non-matching tags, which is usually either caused by having to hand edit the file, or by a defective installer of another product ( we had several reports that ASN installer cause this ).

Then i tried to uninstall VFXCENTRAL ( oldprop immersions packages) and it also responded with an error message !!!

I guess the issue is the same.

When reinstalling kjfk or couat Mcafee quarantined the bglmanx.dll file twice during the process...and i restored it but nothing do !
( do you have a proper bglmanx.dll file so i can paste it ? )

bglmanx.dll is obviously "proper". The defective one is the antivirus, which mistakenly blocked a perfectly legit (and digitally signed with an anti false positive standard signature to begin with...) program from running. You'll find countless of threads in this forum which explains how to deal with the antivirus.

Not that this would make any difference, since your crash is clearly cause by something else.

Also, can you tell me which VCredist i have to install ? to make sure !

G2D.DLL crash in FSX doesn't have anything to do with this.

Sorry but i don't see the origin of this problem

Try to turn off AI traffic, and see if you still have the crash.


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Re: fsx CTD after KJFK with g2d.dll error (PLEASE HELP)
« Reply #2 on: July 19, 2016, 09:19:27 am »
hi umberto,

thanks for your reply !!!

               i said that about kjfk because it stoped running after flying to that airport...but i read so many post and i am lost now.
i wont be surprise to found something else causing this trouble...i will try disabling ai trafic like you say.

i don't use ASN but REx ...i don't understand why i have suddenly this problem...

ok, i have disabled ai trafics , starting with ut2 and it sent ma an error message but finaly launched ( pic g2d_dll_prob5.jpg , g2d_dll_prob6.jpg , g2d_dll_prob7.jpg )
i also set the sliders to zero via the setting menu of fsx...note, when lauching fsx and beeing in front of the splash screen if i click on the "SETTINGS tab" it won't do a CTD ! ( g2d_dll_prob8.jpg )
until i go back to the "free flight tab"...does it mean something to you ? chance ! same crash (g2d_dll_prob9.jpg )...i even lowered my Overclock ( cpu + gpu ) !! i am lost !

Do you have another idea ?



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Re: fsx CTD after KJFK with g2d.dll error (PLEASE HELP)
« Reply #3 on: July 19, 2016, 12:07:33 pm »
   still in the fight...the situation is evolving, i found that if i choose a location as departure out of ( UTX? gex ? or i don't know what , like sbrj at rio brasil ( pic g2d_dll_prob15.jpg ,  )
fsx is running...even with a 777.

first i thought that it could be fsuipc or raaspro the wasn't, i activated them in dll.xml and it run...only in places where i don't have any scenery addon.

when i decided to reactivate the AI trafic i had an error message ( pic g2d_dll_prob21.jpg , do i have the exe.xml corrupted ? ) , i changed the parameters but there is no trafic in the sim ( g2d_dll_prob23.jpg ).

also, i found another irregularity ( g2d_dll_prob10.jpg ) , looks like a kind of files associations is lost ! but with (g2d_dll_prob11.jpg , g2d_dll_prob20.jpg ) i can find an order...weird !

so, when the splash screen is setted let's say in cape verde , there is NO CTD at all !!!! (g2d_dll_prob17.jpg , g2d_dll_prob18.jpg , g2d_dll_prob19.jpg )...

At tis point i will focus on a scenery issue within fsx : no chance to run fsx in usa or Eu for example...

umberto, i hope these informations will help...can you see something through this ?

thanks for your help.


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Re: fsx CTD after KJFK with g2d.dll error (PLEASE HELP)
« Reply #4 on: July 19, 2016, 12:09:07 pm »
the others pics...


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Re: fsx CTD after KJFK with g2d.dll error (PLEASE HELP)
« Reply #5 on: July 19, 2016, 01:43:46 pm »
At tis point i will focus on a scenery issue within fsx : no chance to run fsx in usa or Eu for example...

That seems to indicate a problem with some global scenery for that area, which might be either corrupted files and/or textures. I'm afraid you'll have to consider a complete FSX reinstall.

I changed the topic title, and moved it in the General section, since it's clear it's not related to JFK in any way.


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Re: g2d.dll error everywhere in US and EU
« Reply #6 on: July 19, 2016, 03:06:07 pm »
OH MY GOSHHH !!!!!  don't even think about it !!!!  what make you say this ? there is no way to sort it out ?

i'm afraid  of this too but i'll try again...GRRRRRR !!!!

i am done here !

i willtry to tweak GEX, UTX and everything possible now i have nothing to loose ...

thanks for your time  any way !


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Re: g2d.dll error everywhere in US and EU
« Reply #7 on: July 20, 2016, 01:19:04 pm »
hi Umberto
                i think, and it seems to be the problem , it is the file TERRAIN.CFG WHO IS MESSING UP ALL THE THING !!!!!

When i remove it from the fsx directory there is no more CTD ! but efffectively some airports are not showing well , some parts are missing.
All the planes are functioning ecxept the fact that the plane's pictures are not respectively corresponding in the "selest aircraft menu" there a way to arrange it ?

So, the TERRAIN.CFG is the majeure problem ! do you know a way to fix it ?
Also , my exe.xml wad damaged but i fixed it.



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Re: g2d.dll error everywhere in US and EU
« Reply #8 on: July 20, 2016, 02:13:54 pm »
i think, and it seems to be the problem , it is the file TERRAIN.CFG WHO IS MESSING UP ALL THE THING !!!!!

I think a product that changes that file is something from OrbX. Don't this is the right place to answer this question. Try the OrbX forum.


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Re: g2d.dll error everywhere in US and EU *SOLVED*
« Reply #9 on: July 21, 2016, 12:04:57 am »
Good news !!!!!!

hi Umberto,
          YES, Finaly its fresh install ! i finaly found a solution !

In a few words : UTX had to be REinstalled.

the problem : without notice i couldn't launch fsx anymore...CTD

              errors messages : fsx crash because of : g2d.dll , api.dll , g3d.dll , ntdll.dll , KERNELBASE.dll
              effects         : exe.xml , dll.xml got corrupted, some others softs won't work as well ( UT2, GSX , Vfxcentral...)

the solution : 1) arrange the exe.xml and dll.xml files
               2) remove the scenery.cfg in fsx main folder...see if it works, fsx will create a new one.
                  if fsx makes it then you have a problem with a scenery problem. i noticed that were i didn't have UTX or GEX , fsx was launching.
                  I was changing the airport destination quickly before CTD.
               3) put back the old scenery.cfg and remove the new one ( empty ! ) aware, make sure you have the same scenery.cfg all the different place they are ( fsx\,c:\ programdata\ ,c:\users...,
                   c:\all users, fsX\Setup\XPackCache....they have differents nemes (*scenery*.cfg.*...)
               4) disable all UTX and GEX and try if fsx launch...not in my case !
               5) uninstall all UTX...try my case no CTD. don't uninstall GEX ! just disabled.
               6) now repair all you can before reinstalling UTX like : GSX and vfxcentral ( needed a reinstall ) , that's all. not UT2.
                  here, if you have fixed your exe.xml and dll.xml...those soft in trouble may find their way back.
               7) verify now that fsx is okay, that all your airports are showing
               8) reinstall UTX opus 1 by 1...after each one verify if fsx launch in that area after each one installation !!
               9) ENABLE GEX step by step , 1 area at a time like for UTX
               10) after this , no more CTD because of g2d.dll...

Now, all my planes are running except that the pictures are not corresponding to them.
And, launching them is actually reinstalling some dll or exe files , it's okay.

WHAT has caused the trouble ?????

here are the things which might be the cause :

               1) some textures that i dangerous to resize within fsx
               2) i did a realignment process on the fsx HDD with a special tool within System mechanic
               3) 3 repeated CTD flying : kord to kjfk
               4) something mixed up closed to kjfk because of too much narrowing and different textures : kjfk , GEX, UTX , NE new york , NYcity of DD ( in which i was disabling 1 then 2 bgl in order to evade OOM )
                  It is because of those CTD closed to kjfk that i was disabling those bgl in DD NYcity (NY_large_N.bgl and NY_large_S.bgl ).
               5) uninstalling and reinstalling System mechanic.

NOW , i must find a way to fix the pictures when selecting aircrafts...better than a whole fresh installation of FSX !

I hope this may help some one in this trouble.

here is a picture of kjfk , Ne newyork city, UTX ,GEX , GSX, REX, and  DD NYcity opus without the 2 bgl !!!!!

« Last Edit: July 21, 2016, 12:45:28 am by lebr1 »


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Re: g2d.dll error everywhere in US and EU *SOLVED*
« Reply #10 on: July 21, 2016, 01:45:48 pm »
         YES, Finaly its fresh install ! i finaly found a solution !

In a few words : UTX had to be REinstalled.

Thank you for reporting it back, it might be useful to others.