Same problem here. After the GSX menu popped up advising of an update that did not require a restart of the sim, I selected it. after that I needed up getting the same error "The addon <unknown> is causing the Couatl Scripting Engine to restart. Please download and install the latest Stand-Alone Addon Manager from.."
So I did that. Rebooted. Seemed to be working on the outbound departure just fine, until I landed 1:40 later and started the deboarding process. Process seemed to start ok, was marshalled into the bay, and I asked for deboarding then the same message came up again!
I ran the log and it gave this info:
couatl v3.1 (build 3487)
panic log started on Sat Jun 18 13:26:01 2016
Problem raised by addon <unknown>
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "couatl\common\", line 67, in executeDoFuncTo Completion
File "couatl\GSX\assistanceServices\", line 231, in do
File "couatl\common\", line 393, in run
RuntimeError: cruise speed must be positive
{'Airport': 'FAGG', "Requested assistance services at': Gate B 10', Requested parking services to': Gate A2',
'User Pos': (-34.00123370021825, 22.38077505382878, 199.461 m, 2.46074 m, 84.95854657912476)}
Never had this before this update. Umberto and team, please can you fix this annoying bug introduced into the latest update. I'm running P3D v3.2.