Author Topic: KMEM Stuttering  (Read 54564 times)


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Re: KMEM Stuttering
« Reply #75 on: September 18, 2016, 11:41:27 pm »
I understand. And not to be difficult, my FS rig is completely vanilla and I get really werid when ever I install non-fs stuff to it. So I probably would have had reservations and the logistics would be difficult when I run FS on one rig and do everything else on another. I'm werid I know. In addition there are others reporting the same issues as me.

Also TBH I have limited time to fly FS right now as I start flying the line this week at a new flying job, and if it's like any other flying job I've had they never allowed me little time/interest in flying FS on days off, and I just want to actually enjoy the flights I get to do right now and not troubleshoot. I'm sure you understand.

Plus you kinda did dare me ;)
« Last Edit: September 18, 2016, 11:44:00 pm by garymcginnis »


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Re: KMEM Stuttering
« Reply #76 on: October 11, 2016, 11:48:10 pm »
in P3D from 3.4 should not even exist artifices on the cfg file because extensively optimized by LM and also recommend an AF=14 is really gruesome.

Personally I do not have KMEM, but products such as gsx and others where it still exists an addon manager who can affect vital parameters of the configuration file ... I do not think it's a good way to go yet.

From what I hear from many people, you concentrating more on the details of how to play the avatar walking in the tower, and you have forgotten the basic things that really need in an airport.

I'm sorry because you have a product monster like GSX and maybe you get lost in some detail too in airports like this.


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Re: KMEM Stuttering
« Reply #77 on: October 12, 2016, 09:17:13 am »
in P3D from 3.4 should not even exist artifices on the cfg file because extensively optimized by LM and also recommend an AF=14 is really gruesome.

Personally I do not have KMEM, but products such as gsx and others where it still exists an addon manager who can affect vital parameters of the configuration file ... I do not think it's a good way to go yet.

You are assuming Addon Manager is doing changes "on its own". This is a common misconception, but it's NOT the case!

In order to have something applied to the .CFG file, the user MUST press the "Save" button, otherwise nothing happens. Without pressing Save, the settings are showing only what will be saved, should you press the "Save" button, not what it's being used now.

In fact, what we are doing with the KMEM installer, is precisely what you are suggesting: streamlining the CFG file by removing a tweak that has been proven to be dangerous ( Poolsize = 0 ), which is the only thing we change automatically while installing.

From what I hear from many people, you concentrating more on the details of how to play the avatar walking in the tower, and you have forgotten the basic things that really need in an airport.

KMEM has everything an airport needs, and what it has more, only added to its development time.

You might have had a point, if we took the same time to do KMEM as, for example, JFK, but in fact, it took more than double amount of time: 2 years instead of 9 months. This is our own decision, which might be correct or not, but its our own, but you cannot say the never seen before features in KMEM were obtained to the detriment of something else.

Other users complained that all our other airports now looks outdated, because they don't look as good as KMEM.

And, KMEM is so detailed, because we listened to users comments about the previous one, KIAH, that it looked too "ordinary".

Incidentally, KIAH is the scenery that has less issues reported, of all the sceneries we ever made so far. And it's the one we are not 100% happy of sales.  So, users voted with their wallets and expressed a clear preference against sceneries that are "ordinary" AND "reliable", and we cannot ignore this, so we worked hard on adding details on KMEM, which would really look boring, if we didn't, because it IS boring, even in real life, if wasn't for all the frantic cargo activity.

I'm sorry because you have a product monster like GSX and maybe you get lost in some detail too in airports like this

There are other developers, that present animated flowers in the wind as a selling point of the scenery so, who's deciding when too much detail is really too much ?

Michael Moe

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Re: KMEM Stuttering
« Reply #78 on: November 10, 2016, 11:35:04 pm »
I am a big fan of yours and as such you should really be proud of this scenery

I still have wet weather to discover.

Your last question regarding details - you should really just be open minded and use the strategi by ORBX,

" we do not design the products for 60 fps etc"

" We are an aviator in the sim aviation business "

But please let us have some sort of enable/disable function in the future to balance our system

 :) :) ;) :D

BTW. I am an idiot regarding places to be with my PMDG 777. But i had a fantastic departure as a FEDEX to KSFO

Michael Moe


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Re: KMEM Stuttering
« Reply #79 on: November 11, 2016, 10:53:58 am »
Your last question regarding details - you should really just be open minded and use the strategi by ORBX,

" we do not design the products for 60 fps etc"

" We are an aviator in the sim aviation business "

But please let us have some sort of enable/disable function in the future to balance our system

I don't really understand your comment about why we should use another developer strategy...however, giving so many cumbersome configuration options, is just giving an ILLUSION of "control", and a vested admission of failure to be able to do sensible design choices on their own.

It's NOT a question of frame rates: it's about being sure the scenery will fit in memory and, as I've said, there's NO WAY all the stuff at KMEM would EVER fit in memory (on a 32 bit sim), which would be the only way to get some "smoothness", with a very bad fps of course, without crashing.

It's no use offering installation options that will SURELY OOM the sim, because you can be sure that users WILL take advantage of that, and will then complain that "KMEM causes OOMs". Sorry, no.


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Re: KMEM Stuttering
« Reply #80 on: November 23, 2016, 11:13:18 am »
hi all,
I've bought yesterday this fantastic scenery taking advantage of the discount.
Well, I fly in p3d 3.4 and I add me to ones that suffer about stutter on this scenery.
I've made some testing, always with kmem as dept airport, and always flying a circuit I've do that with the default f22 and with the ngx.
I've found, on my system, that I suffer of those bad stuttering only during the takeoff roll, not during taxi not during approach or landing, so I suppose that once the scenery is full loaded in the sim those stuttering wont happen. I've set also the antipop up in a range from 21 to 50 but nothing change.
Anyway this is a great scenery also more easy on vas than all other fsdt sceneries I have, you did a great job and is really a shame to have the flying immersion ruined by those issue!
Hope that something could change to avoid those stutter.
best regards



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Re: KMEM Stuttering
« Reply #81 on: November 23, 2016, 11:47:14 am »
I've found, on my system, that I suffer of those bad stuttering only during the takeoff roll, not during taxi not during approach or landing, so I suppose that once the scenery is full loaded in the sim those stuttering wont happen.

Which is very strange, since there's more stuff that gets loaded/unloaded when you are taxiing, compared to what gets loaded/unloaded when you are flying.

And, there cannot be any differences between taking off and landing, for us, the only things that matters when deciding to load/unload any objects, it's the distance from your eyepoint, and the plane altitude.

What other addons you have installed ? It's possible that what you perceive as stuttering, it's just lag of sending Simconnect commands, because some other addons are clogging the communication channel with the sim with so many commands in so short time, that we don't have enough time to "talk" with the sim. Which explains why I don't see any stuttering, since I don't have many 3rd party modules installed.


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Re: KMEM Stuttering
« Reply #82 on: November 23, 2016, 12:23:14 pm »
Well, that was my experience on this issue and when I suffer from those stuttering...I began the t/o roll and when the plane arrive in the terminal proximity it began with those lag or stuttering, if I come back I can fly over the airport infinite times without any lag or stuttering.
I'm using AS16, the sode module and no other modules are loaded in the sim.
« Last Edit: November 23, 2016, 12:26:08 pm by virtuali »


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Re: KMEM Stuttering
« Reply #83 on: November 23, 2016, 12:26:45 pm »
I'm using AS16, the sode module and no other modules are loaded in the sim.

Are you able to test by disabling Active Sky ?


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Re: KMEM Stuttering
« Reply #84 on: November 23, 2016, 01:48:59 pm »
I'm using AS16, the sode module and no other modules are loaded in the sim.

Are you able to test by disabling Active Sky ?

Of course, I've tested with sode module deactivated, because I was remember an issue with sode on lirf scenery, but it was for a previous version, and in this case it has made no difference.
Tried also with as16 deactivated, but the stutter still persist...I should try a flight where I come in kmem to see if I get those stutter as mem is loaded.


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Re: KMEM Stuttering
« Reply #85 on: November 23, 2016, 09:40:54 pm »
I should try a flight where I come in kmem to see if I get those stutter as mem is loaded.

It's entirely normal you would get some stuttering WHEN the scenery is loaded, which is 15 NM from its center. This is to be expected and won't be fixed, since it's the main point of doing OOM-saving memory management.

What you shouldn't have, instead, is stuttering AFTER the scenery has entered in range.


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Re: Re: KMEM Stuttering
« Reply #86 on: November 23, 2016, 10:08:12 pm »
Yes, acually on all your scenery with the antipop up set at 20 I have only a micro pause when I enter in apt range and I know that is normal. Another thing that I've noticed is that is if I go in slew mode and I just go few feet over the rwy then I'm able to fly for all its lenght without any issue.
« Last Edit: November 23, 2016, 10:21:12 pm by virtuali »


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Re: Re: KMEM Stuttering
« Reply #87 on: November 23, 2016, 11:01:43 pm »
Another thing that I've noticed is that is if I go in slew mode and I just go few feet over the rwy then I'm able to fly for all its lenght without any issue.

This is very useful: I think I know what's happening, but the issue is, it shouldn't...or, more precisely, I cannot reproduce it here.


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Re: Re: KMEM Stuttering
« Reply #88 on: November 24, 2016, 11:48:54 am »
Another thing that I've noticed is that is if I go in slew mode and I just go few feet over the rwy then I'm able to fly for all its lenght without any issue.

This is very useful: I think I know what's happening, but the issue is, it shouldn't...or, more precisely, I cannot reproduce it here.

Good, that's a great news! How can I help you in trying to reproduce on your side?

edit: I've just finished a full flight from kiah and noticed those heavy stutter, it is different from your other scenery where I have only a micro-pause, here it seems that at about 7mi circa, it began with those heavy stutter until 4mi from threshold. Also on ground they appear to be present but only at times.
« Last Edit: November 24, 2016, 02:08:15 pm by pablo636 »


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Re: Re: KMEM Stuttering
« Reply #89 on: November 24, 2016, 02:34:50 pm »
Good, that's a great news! How can I help you in trying to reproduce on your side?

I don't think I'll ever be able to reproduce it. I know what it is, but we simply cannot change or fix it easily (not without remaking the scenery from scratch and with half of the stuff) so, we can only hope to find what's causing it on your system.

It's either your system too slow, which seems strange, otherwise you would have complained of bad fps way before than stutters, or you have other addons interfering, so we are back to square one: are you SURE you don't have ANY other 3rd party modules enabled ?

Have you maybe changed the AffinityMask to something unusual or not right for your system ? If you have a Quad-core, try 14.

Have you tried setting the Max Pre Rendered frames to 1 in the nvidia control panel, as someone suggested ?