Great News skipy33 that you seem to be getting to the issues with the SODE Team. It helps when KMEM works in some situations and not others, as you can start to isolate things and steadily resolve the problem(s) that cause KMEM to fail.
Hnla, Take up Umberto's offer for the Teamviwer session. He is obliviously skilled in trouble shooting his series of FSDT programs, being a programmer and user. Many people have installed this program and it work ok. A few common early issues have been fixed by FSDT. There are now a few isolated issues, which are usually always caused by our machines being a little outside the acceptable envelope for this FSDT scenery. You can go on every user forum and find people who can not load 'a' program for their own reasons.
In my case, my first thought was #$%^ hell FSDT, why didn't you test this better. Then with a little more thought(read this as patience), I accepted it could be "my" problem.....So, I spent the last few days tracking down my windows updates. Seems while they were installed, some in fact had failed. I tracked these down and re-installed them, this time verifying they installed correctly. Another day cleaning my registries and also ensuring the FSX SP1 and SP2 were in place and that KMEM was installed correctly with up to date version. And finally, spent another day defragging my machine(which took 16 hours!!).
I then revisited FSX and attempted to load KMEM.......@#$%^ fantastic, it loaded and during the 5-6 minutes demo cycle, I could flit about the airport in my trike. I then swapped planes to the PMDG 777, which tends to be a vas hungry girl, and also loaded with KMEM. Great job Umberto.
So guys, patience is required tracking down the issues causing KMEM to not work on your machine. If you can, get to a position when KMEM loads. Then start to add things until it fails. The item you last loaded, is causing you problems and you may need to contact the owner of 'that' program to sort out why.