I downloaded the KMEM Demo a few days ago, installed it into my win 7/64 FSX machine, where all my FSDT and other payware live, and of course, CTD when loading default trike at the airport. This scenery must be "different" to other FSDT scenery code architecture, as it seems to need wider parameters before it will load. All my other FSDT loads straight away.
I also loaded KMEM into my win 8.1/64 FSX-SE machine, which as NO other scenery installed and it worked straight away!! proving that it does work as loaded, just got to get the config happy.
So, no doubt, if you have a machine that happens to fit the new parameters FSDT has inadvertently set, great. For us others, lots of time chasing rabbits down holes.
So, when some one much cleverer than me comes up with a list of possible solutions, I will recommence the journey.