I read a article that said the main VAS killers are photogen scenery and things like ORBX global, GEX, UTerrain but how bad are airports?
The article said the VAS is used up by these products even if your not around them. Like if your in Asia, your GEX textures for North America are still sucking up some of the allotted 4GB of memory, thousands of miles away.
So I would like to ask FSDreamteam, is it bad to buy too many airports? Since each airport would suck up more of the 4gb allotted VAS and make you come closer to OOM?
I do not use any texture/mesh add-ons like ORBX, GEX, UT or photoreal stuff so do you think I'm safe to buy a lot of add-on airports?
Doesn't the Steam version handle VAS a lot better than the boxed?