Author Topic: Logic of Airport vehicles  (Read 5688 times)


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Logic of Airport vehicles
« on: May 04, 2015, 11:54:17 am »
Dear Team,

I have started to implement new logos for the vehicles in the _USER folders for the staircases as first step.

I am ensure about the logic, when the _USER repaints will be used by GSX.

Let takes Staircase_02 and Staircase_02_USER as example. If I include e.g. Bangkok Airways Logo in the _USER folder and say it must be used at VTBS, the normal THAI Airways from Staircase_02 will be shown, because there is also an entry for VTBS. Is the priority of the normal folders (not _USER) higher? I have delete VTBS from Staircase_02 (then it runs wonderfull), but with the next update I am sure, that I can do it again.
I have also tried to use a specific airlines assingment (like BOU in the _User folder for my Bangkok Airways logo). I put this BOU in the AFCAD of the affected parking position too and in the aircraft.cfg file of my A319 from Aerosoft, but they don't use the repaint .

I have seen on your Webpage, in EDDM a blue Staircase with roof. I have tryed and tryed, but I don't find that blue livery in the Simobject folders. I miss on all my staircases the roof too. What I do wrong?

Many thanks for help.

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Re: Logic of Airport vehicles
« Reply #1 on: May 04, 2015, 12:35:45 pm »
If I include e.g. Bangkok Airways Logo in the _USER folder and say it must be used at VTBS, the normal THAI Airways from Staircase_02 will be shown, because there is also an entry for VTBS. Is the priority of the normal folders (not _USER) higher?

By adding an airport ICAO code to a vehicle of a specific operator, you are not saying it "must" be used at that airport. You are only giving it a certain score, giving an equal chance of being randomly selected against other operators at that airport/parking with the *same* score.

All folders have the same priority so, if you cannot see your operator (not even trying many times, to reduce the chance you were just unlucky on the random draw), it's because another operator has an HIGHER score, so your vehicle will never included in the random draw.

An higher score against a full ICAO code, it's the result of having codes in the atc_parking_codes section of the scenery AFCAD.

I have delete VTBS from Staircase_02 (then it runs wonderfull), but with the next update I am sure, that I can do it again.

That's the wrong way of doing it...although it would probably work, but of course you'll have issues on the next update. And, you cannot change just a single vehicle, you must change ALL of them.

I have also tried to use a specific airlines assingment (like BOU in the _User folder for my Bangkok Airways logo). I put this BOU in the AFCAD of the affected parking position too

This is the correct way of doing but, again, if the other operator (the one you don't want) has its own codes in the AFCAD, you are just now giving them an EQUAL chance of being selected. The only way to be sure your own operator will always be selected, is to ADD the parking code of your operator to the AFCAD, and REMOVE the code for operators you don't want from it.

This way, your operator will get an higher score and, lacking any competitors, it will always be selected.

and in the aircraft.cfg file of my A319 from Aerosoft, but they don't use the repaint .

As explained in the PaintKit documentation, the atc_parking_codes in the aircraft.cfg file doesn't have ANY effect on the selection of the ground operator. And rightly so, because it would result in the unrealistic assignment of your own home operator *everywhere*, which is wrong. Instead, the atc_parking_codes in the aircraft.cfg file affects ONLY the selection of logos over ULD containers, so you will see containers of your own airline, and (more importantly) they will be the *same* on departure AND arrival.

In any case, the whole operator selection method has been improved in the latest Couatl 3 Public Beta here:,11796.0.html

That has a new feature that will let you choose between all allowed operators on a certain airport, so your choice will be less dependent on random selection.

I have seen on your Webpage, in EDDM a blue Staircase with roof. I have tryed and tryed, but I don't find that blue livery in the Simobject folders. I miss on all my staircases the roof too. What I do wrong?

GSX objects might have other constraint, for example related to the height of the door, in order to offer a variety of different vehicles depending on the airplane used. That staircase will only appear on airplanes with doors higher than 3.30 meters so, if you always use the same airplane, and its doors are lower than that, you will never see that vehicle.


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Re: Logic of Airport vehicles
« Reply #2 on: May 04, 2015, 01:53:23 pm »
Dear Team,

I am realy impressived from that fast and fruitfull support, many thanks.

Only 2 more little questions, then I am happy:

1. Adding atc_packing code in the AFCAD Airport file
To add that to the AFCAD position is clear for me, I give "VIP" in the AFCAD.
Can I use that own "designed" code (like "VIP") and give my special created Logo in the section of Staircase_02_USER atc_packing ... = VIP?
I have read in the paintkit documentation, that it must be a real existing code. With the VIP code I block the parking position only for me, which is my wish, because its already customized with GSX.
Same question for aircraft.cfg VIP is included in the parking section. Will it refer to the ULD containers, if VIP is defined in the logo container section with VIP?

I will try latest Couatl 3 Public Beta here and give feedback.

2. EDDM Staircase with roof
I use different airplanes 777, 747, 736-739, A319-321 (all Boeing PMDG, Airbus is Aerosoft), but never the roof was shown.
I have 4 staircase types in simobject folder: staircase; staircase_02; staircase_fixed; staircase_large
Which type is that special staircase (staircase_large)?
Is the roof in the model included or is the roof on/off switched via Repaint/Alphachanel?
In which repaint folder I can find the special EDDM livery?

Many thanks again for your answer.

Best regards



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Re: Logic of Airport vehicles
« Reply #3 on: May 04, 2015, 02:36:44 pm »
Can I use that own "designed" code (like "VIP") and give my special created Logo in the section of Staircase_02_USER atc_packing ... = VIP? I have read in the paintkit documentation, that it must be a real existing code. With the VIP code I block the parking position only for me, which is my wish, because its already customized with GSX.

You can insert anything you like in the sim.cfg file, even a full operator name instead of a code, but in order to get the score boost for being present in the parking AFCAD, it must match a code in the AFCAD.

The .BGL format has some restrictions about what you can put in an AFCAD parking: they must be 3 characters code, and the *total* length of all codes, including a null character between each one, cannot be larger than 255 characters. That's why codes are used, instead of full names.

So, by using your own code, you are not "blocking" anything, you simply have a chance to add an operator that doesn't exist anywhere, but it will STILL "compete" with all others, following the always active scoring rules.

Same question for aircraft.cfg VIP is included in the parking section. Will it refer to the ULD containers, if VIP is defined in the logo container section with VIP?

As I've said, the codes in the aircraft.cfg file have an effect only on ULD containers. Their score "weight" is higher than anything else, so I guess they should work against any other score.

I use different airplanes 777, 747, 736-739, A319-321 (all Boeing PMDG, Airbus is Aerosoft), but never the roof was shown.

There are two staircase vehicles with a roof, Staircase and Staircase_02, you can easily check their door's height constraint in their sim.cfg file. They work, they appear and nobody ever reported a problem with them, regardless of the airplane, assuming the door's height match the constraints.

But again, they will STILL have to compete against all others so, "just" satisfying the door's height constraints will not ensure the vehicle will be selected. It will only ensure it has a CHANCE to be selected, but if it will lose in score against others, you won't see it.

This might be a result of you not having edited ALL vehicles ICAO codes, but just some so, other vehicles with a better score on that airport are winning against that one.  There IS a reason why we update this automatically: users don't fully realize how the score system works, and they can easily break up the whole selection by editing the wrong file, or just NOT editing all of them in the correct way. But I guaranteed you the logic WORKS.

In which repaint folder I can find the special EDDM livery?

I don't know what you are referring to, some screenshots on this site were made by users, who might have repainted the vehicles themselves.


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Re: Logic of Airport vehicles
« Reply #4 on: May 05, 2015, 10:59:36 am »
Dear Team,

yesterday I installed the Beta Version 3 und run a good test in FSX_SE. The result is very good, no crashes anymore and the menu to choose the operator for ground services is a real benefit.

I have also test your fruitfull replys to my questions, with good results.

Regarding the ground operators you can choose in version 3 I have an additional question. If I define my own operator (Globeground) at EDDT (Berlin Tegel) in all _USER folders (except the pallet), will this operator also shown in the Menu, and if yes, how it will be namend? In which file(s) the name must be entered. (I have seen the operator LOSCH as example, there is written als _LOSCH in airline assignment).

Many thanks for feedback and have a nice day.



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Re: Logic of Airport vehicles
« Reply #5 on: May 05, 2015, 11:14:05 am »
If I define my own operator (Globeground) at EDDT (Berlin Tegel) in all _USER folders (except the pallet), will this operator also shown in the Menu

Sure, the menu will display all operators that fully match the ICAO.

and if yes, how it will be named?

Globeground, what else ?

In which file(s) the name must be entered

In ALL sim.cfg files of the various GSX vehicles in the _USER folders, on the couatl.atc_parking_codes line. Note that, some vehicles (for example FSDT_Catering_Half) have 2 variants in the same sim.cfg file, so you must add 2 [flightsim] sections.

(I have seen the operator LOSCH as example, there is written als _LOSCH in airline assignment).

Those codes are not straight names, but indexes pointing to an internal table of known operators, and are prefixed with an underscore just as a convention, to indicate this code is not one of the default airlines recognized by FSX and that we added it to GSX.

But you don't have to use codes, you can simply insert the name and GSX will just display that.

Also, I think I forgot to mention one interesting thing about your question related to the roofed staircase vehicles: during one of the updates, we update them to display the roof automatically if there's RAIN/SNOW only!


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Re: Logic of Airport vehicles
« Reply #6 on: May 06, 2015, 03:23:40 pm »
Dear Team,

perfect, if the weather is raining, the staircases haves a roof.

The menu of choosing the operator on ground runs also fine and I can see my included operators (_USER).

Some more questions:

1. Is it possible to repaint the Pushback trucks (no _USER folders found).
2. For the catering trucks, is it possible to choose here between 2 operators (via menu, like same as ground e.g. SCK and LSG in EDDT).
3. On some airports a pushback is not necessary, is it possible to switch off the pushback truck on specific airports or gates.
4. Is it possible to influence the time for the catering bus, until the catering procedure is finished.
5. I miss the messages (green stripe) in the new version, where I can influence the showing of it (like "Waiting for opening Door 2").

Many thanks and best regards



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Re: Logic of Airport vehicles
« Reply #7 on: May 06, 2015, 04:13:14 pm »
1. Is it possible to repaint the Pushback trucks (no _USER folders found).

It needs a PaintKit update, because until recently, Pushback trucks weren't supplied in multiple liveries.

2. For the catering trucks, is it possible to choose here between 2 operators (via menu, like same as ground e.g. SCK and LSG in EDDT).

No, you must use the regular scoring rules.

3. On some airports a pushback is not necessary, is it possible to switch off the pushback truck on specific airports or gates.

Just don't call it...

4. Is it possible to influence the time for the catering bus, until the catering procedure is finished.

No, because it's tied to the animation, just like the baggage loading, it's not something abstract like the passenger loading time.

5. I miss the messages (green stripe) in the new version, where I can influence the showing of it (like "Waiting for opening Door 2").

You have set the Message Verbosity slider too low.


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Re: Logic of Airport vehicles
« Reply #8 on: May 07, 2015, 04:17:52 pm »
Dear Team,

many thansk for the feedback.

Only last question, yesterday the courtl3 program chrashed during pushback. A restart via FSX main menu line was not possible, because the entry of GSX was missing. Only with a restart of FSX it was possible to restart GSX.

Is there an other solution, because if you have programm the NGX around 20 minutes it is not nice to do the same work again after restart of FSX.

Mayn thanks.

Best regards



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Re: Logic of Airport vehicles
« Reply #9 on: May 07, 2015, 04:22:51 pm »
yesterday the courtl3 program chrashed during pushback

When reporting such errors, always include ALL the following informations:

- The airport used. If it's not default, indicate the the scenery

- The gate used

- The GSX operation called for (Boarding, deboarding, etc.) and possibly in which order. For Pushback, indicate which direction you chose.

- The ground operator that was announced to be chosen for your service.


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Re: Logic of Airport vehicles
« Reply #10 on: May 08, 2015, 10:49:53 am »
Airport EDDK, Aerosoft V2, Gate C07
Deboarding works fine
Boarding works fine
Pushback stop after brake releasing (Marshaller instruction was release parking brakes), Pushback direction was right
Groundoperator Germanwings

I try this yesterday again and all works fine.

Is it a must to use deboarding and boarding before pushback or are every steps (deboarding, catering, fuel, boarding)  not linked together?

My question was if could3 is crashing is there any possibility to restart it without restart FSX.