So.. No push back after de ice. If I select call de ice, everything it's ok, but when is finish the de ice, the truck goes away but the push back option doesn't return. The push truck stay there without moving and nothing happend. If I don't call de ice all is perfect. Push left, right. This happend at all airport. I try the defoult one at LROP, the payware one LHBP from LSHSimulation, etc. I have downloaded the full installer also, but it's the same. No push back after de ice call. Without de ice call have push back.
Let's say more clear: there is no error or freeze or ctd, everything works perfect, is just like when GSX has finish the job wich has to do. Infact if I open again the menu with ctrl-F12, at point 5 I have de ice complet, I push nr.5 and I have the option again "prepare for push back..etc". I select again, I select then nr.2 to not call the de-ice, but nothing happend then. Of course as I use pmdg 737 ngx or airbus x wich have they're own push back, doesn't bother me, but there is still this problem of GSX. Maybe you should make a video where you show every step wich works, so I can see if I make something wrong myself or not. Maybe I don't follow the right steps...hwo knows?