Author Topic: CYVR Performance in P3D 2.3  (Read 5118 times)


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CYVR Performance in P3D 2.3
« on: September 08, 2014, 11:46:12 am »
Hi there,

I'm a long time user of FSDT CYVR in both FSX and more recently in P3D 2.x. I recently installed P3D 2.3 and I have been happily flying globally.

I haven't flown in the PNW for a while but it's probably my most flown area in all sims with my base being at CYVR. I today decided to up my Air Canada VA hours and started with a couple of flights to/from CYVR. However, I have noticed that VAS usage (which I have been able to manage previous to 2.3 at CYVR) seems to have increased and for the first time in ages I have had an OOM. Keep in mind I happily flew around here with the same settings in 2.0, 2.1 and 2.2. I have downloaded and installed the latest CYVR for 2.3 and have even gone so far as to install only the lowest settings to try and reduce the footprint of the airport. I have dialled back graphic settings keeping draw distance at ultra but lowering tessellation to medium and the autogen sliders to dense - however VAS usage starts at 3.6GB usage and upon takeoff and any turn over Vancouver itself quickly creeps up. Reducing draw distance doesn't seem to have any effect on the VAS usage.

I used to be able to even use Vancouver+ alongside CYVR but now have to have this turned off. It is definitely CYVR causing the spikes as I disabled the airport and VAS usage was well below 3GB on a flight from CYKA to CYVR. The same flight I did with CYVR on and as it loaded up the VAS usage went to straight to 4.025 GB and the dreaded OOM beeps happened.

Are you aware of any memory leaks or something that is causing 2.3 to handle CYVR differently? I'm flying in the Majestic Q400 which is my usual aircraft for CYVR - I am also aware that settings need to be realistic for this airport to manage VAS usage and have managed to do so fine over the last couple of years. I have no idea why this has changed since P3D 2.3 and would really appreciate any guidance you may be able to give.

Many thanks



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Re: CYVR Performance in P3D 2.3
« Reply #1 on: September 08, 2014, 01:58:27 pm »
Are you aware of any memory leaks or something that is causing 2.3 to handle CYVR differently? I'm flying in the Majestic Q400 which is my usual aircraft for CYVR - I am also aware that settings need to be realistic for this airport to manage VAS usage and have managed to do so fine over the last couple of years. I have no idea why this has changed since P3D 2.3 and would really appreciate any guidance you may be able to give.

As explained many times already on the forum, especially with regard to CYVR, that is unfortunately living in an area where you can install many 3rd party add-ons, the problem is NEVER the airport itself, but the combination of ALL your used add-ons, and since you say you use TWO very heavy add-ons for the area ( PNW and Vancouver+ ), it's clear the problem is not FSDT CYVR.

If you were able to use them all together with previous versions of P3D, it doesn't necessarily means there's problem with 2.3, it might just be that, in order to allow better fps optimizations, more memory is used for the scenery. Usually, to get better fps, you give up memory.

Attached is a screenshot of CYVR running under P3D 2.3, with a default airplane and no other add-ons installed in the area. As you can see, the memory goes from about 750MB before the scenery loads, to 1.4GB after the whole scenery is loaded, and there's are no leaks, the memory usage graphs is flat after the airport has finished loading.

If you had 4GB taken, it's clear it was taken by something else, not CYVR.

The first test to do would be: how much memory you save, by disabling PNW and Vancouver+ ? And of course, disabling them separately, would give you an indication about the impact of each one.
« Last Edit: September 08, 2014, 02:03:27 pm by virtuali »


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Re: CYVR Performance in P3D 2.3
« Reply #2 on: September 08, 2014, 04:41:35 pm »
Thanks for the quick reply on this one.

I have been doing some investigating since posting. I fully understand that this is a heavy area for add ons. I use PNW and Vancouver+ but as I mentioned, I had already disabled Vancouver+ as I know this has tipped things over the edge before.

With just PNW my max VAS usage is around 3.2GB. This is with slider settings at normal for things like Autogen. As CYVR loads in, say on an approach, (and I have reproduced this twice now) the VAS has spiked over 4GB straight away. This simply did not happen previously for me in 2.2 or before. I was happily able to fly within the limits with everything loaded in (around max 3.7GB). I should point out that before I was also happily using 2048 textures - for 2.3 I reinstalled CYVR with 1048 to try and reduce the footprint.

Fair enough I can see that PNW is heavy but in combination with CVYR it's now too much, at lower settings, than it used to be. With no CYVR all works absolutely fine and I can push sliders right and never get above 3.2GB.

Something about CYVR, despite what you say, is not playing well VAS wise (and yes I'm aware that people have bashed CYVR VAS usage before and I'm not one of those as have been able to manage my system perfectly well until  now).

Any thoughts on any settings I can play with would be appreciated.



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Re: CYVR Performance in P3D 2.3
« Reply #3 on: September 08, 2014, 05:00:41 pm »
With no CYVR all works absolutely fine and I can push sliders right and never get above 3.2GB.

That doesn't mean much, you would probably obtained the same result by turning off PNW and let CYVR enabled instead, and say the same on OrbX forum, about how CYVR can happily run without PNW enabled, and OOM-ing with PNW enabled.

As I've said, you should test each add-on independently, and see the memory usage changes after turning on/off each one. Try to turn off PNW, and see how much free memory you get with CYVR enabled, and if it's less/more than the opposite situation.

Something about CYVR, despite what you say, is not playing well VAS wise (and yes I'm aware that people have bashed CYVR VAS usage before and I'm not one of those as have been able to manage my system perfectly well until  now).

My previous screenshot indicated that CYVR is not particular large regarding to VAS usage, and there's nothing special with it.

It's JUST that it has been released when too many users had that area already filled with stuff. Note that, I installed CYVR at its *maximum* texture size, with 4096x4096 textures used for BOTH buildings and shadows and with 3 seasons.

With just PNW my max VAS usage is around 3.2GB

This is already unreasonably high. As you can see in my screenshot about CYVR usage, which accounts for about 700MB more than with no scenery loaded, if you add 700MB to 3.2GB, you are already in OOM-land.

Now, you should question why, on a default setting (as in my screenshot), P3D takes 700 MB with no scenery loaded, and 1.4GB with CYVR loaded, but it takes 3.2 GB on your system, with "just PNW ?
« Last Edit: September 08, 2014, 05:06:19 pm by virtuali »