Author Topic: AFCAD for New airlines at DFW (Qantas, Emirates and Qatar)?  (Read 5250 times)


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Hey! I am new to the world of AFCAD and would like to play around with it, both to update airports and also to make a few fantasy routes. Here is my current situation.
I recently purchased FSDT DFW and noticed that Both Emirates (777) and Qantas (A380) seem to park "whereever" and not at the Internetional (D) terminal. I downloaded AFCAD ADE 1.6 and simply added in both Qantas and Emirates to the D terminal (in additon where BA, LH, KL park); however, upon saving the AFCAD, they seem to still park whereever. How do I fix this? Am I doing this correctly?


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Re: AFCAD for New airlines at DFW (Qantas, Emirates and Qatar)?
« Reply #1 on: July 01, 2014, 05:47:31 pm »
Make sure you are using the correct gate radius.  Usually, the A380 should have a 41m and a 77W should have a 36m IIRC


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Re: AFCAD for New airlines at DFW (Qantas, Emirates and Qatar)?
« Reply #2 on: July 01, 2014, 05:58:19 pm »
 The Gate radius for each type all depends on if you're using real world numbers.. The A380 using a real world value for FSX and P3d would use 40m and the 77W will use 33m parking spots. FS9 parking radius was much different for some reason that I've long forgotten.


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Re: AFCAD for New airlines at DFW (Qantas, Emirates and Qatar)?
« Reply #3 on: July 03, 2014, 10:38:56 pm »
I get the A380, but why is Korean not parking there? The BA 777 (why is it a 777 and not 744 by the way WOAI?) parks there just fine.
Is there an AFCAD that I could download that has this already?
