Author Topic: Super Heavies at wrong Gates  (Read 4592 times)


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Super Heavies at wrong Gates
« on: April 30, 2013, 04:11:18 pm »
I noticed at around 4:15 p.m. local that both Emirates and Singapore supers were parked at gates, and wrong ones at that with a single jetway each.

Normally, and this may have changed as I have not been to JFK for about six months, Singapore Super parks close to the one Gate used for the super.
Also, Emirates is normally at the gate around this time(?), and then moved to the same parking are afterwards until its departure draws nearer.

This was the case with the original JFK, so I was wondering if you could have a look at it.

Thanks, and great improvements.

P.S. Sorry, but I could not figure out the gate numbers, and i am using UT2.


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Re: Super Heavies at wrong Gates
« Reply #1 on: May 07, 2013, 08:16:54 pm »
Just a bump up, and an addition.

The gate for Emirates and Singapore Super Heavies is 406, and they park in the area directly behind in between flights.


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Re: Super Heavies at wrong Gates
« Reply #2 on: May 08, 2013, 07:15:38 am »
Me again ;D

I am trying (learning) how to use ADE, but am encountering a simple problem   :-\

I made some changes to airline codes at some gates, and parking spots, compiled the bgl and saved it.

Problem is nothing changes when I run fsx.

I tried renaming the bgl I created to match the original afcad: KJFK_FSDT, and replaced it (saved the original in another location) with no changes.

Any advice on what I may be missing?



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Re: Super Heavies at wrong Gates
« Reply #3 on: May 08, 2013, 07:48:17 am »
Hi Waleed

Check your AI Aircraft, what parking codes they use. I use Mytraffic 5.4a. There the A380 has no parking code like A380, but only the airline SIA.


So you had to change this in the sim.cfg or you use the airline designator in AFCAD parking. Since Singapore Airlines only uses 1 typ of aircraft for a destination, this shouldn't be a problem. Changing the sim.cfg isn't a good method, since if you reinstall or update your traffic files, everything maybe gone.

Hope that helps



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Re: Super Heavies at wrong Gates
« Reply #4 on: May 08, 2013, 08:27:17 am »
Thanks for the heads up Dan, I am getting there SLOWLY lol.

I think I have a handle on it now ???

I assigned 406 to SIA and UAE only, that way they are either there, or in the parking spots right behind the gate.

I use UT2, but have the Fruit Stand A380's as they look much better.

Things are shaping up little by little, and I am also trying to designate Emirates A380's as UAES as it helps if I do that at Dubai where I am trying to restrict them to the new dedicated concourse.

For some reason it does not seem to like my new (Done in the AI config) UAES designation, but so long as I add UAE it seems to be OK.


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Re: Super Heavies at wrong Gates
« Reply #5 on: May 08, 2013, 10:03:56 am »
Just make sure your AFCAD parking designation matches the one in the aircraft.cfg or sim.cfg. For proper use of designation check with wikipedia. They have all airlines listed. ICAO airline codes usually are 3 letter UAE instead of UAES. Just in case you share your modifications one day.
In case you have ZurichX too, the A380 park there at parking 67. I changed to SIA there too, since this is the only A380 at the moment flying to LSZH. Emirates still comes with 777. Funny GSX doesn't find any parking for 777 in Zurich. All parking spots are too small. ???