First thanks for the recent help here for getting me up and running!
I am using GSX at Aerosoft Airports with AES!
It took some adjusting and setting up with the respective configs, but they both work. Double Jetways and all the rest!
Now, one thing I see that is not available in GSX ( I may be wrong) is that you can not do an engine start at the gate and then push back? The GSX program says "Stop engines and set brakes". I have to begin push back and then start the engines. A small detail but maybe there is a workaround? AES allows this, but I would rather use GSX!
Umberto, I have found the culpret of the OOM error mentioned in another thread. Its nothing to do with GSX or AES. Its the TCAS Traffic gauge in the MD-11 and the IFly 737. When the TCAS is "on" in either aircraft, my FSX working mem is over 3.3Gb!! Switch off TCAS and FSX mem stays at 2.6Gb and all is stable. So I conclude its nothing to do with your products. (From my testing)
Thanks for an excellent product.