As explained, many times already in the forum and in the GSX manual, Jetways will continue to work ( or not ), exactly as they were before.
This means:
- If the scenery it's a default scenery and has jetways, they'll continue to work using CTRL+J with GSX
- If your scenery had an FSX compliant jetway (like all FSDT sceneries, or UK2000 for example) it will continue to work using CTRL+J with GSX
- If your scenery had jetways that moved using non-standard ways, like COM frequencies, it will continue to work with its own method, with GSX
- If your scenery had static jetways, they will remain static with GSX
- If your scenery had moving jetways because it's supported by AES AND you purchased credits for it, it will continue to work that way, with GSX
I think to have covered all the possible cases but, of course, the whole point could have simply explained with:
GSX doesn't CHANGE Jetways operations in any way.