thanks marty.
it definitely looks nice, but if i was to buy it, i'd buy the saitek fly5 (commonly known as cyborg X, or ps38)
it has dual throttle, and much more buttons. the sensors should be similar, both mechanical, nothing fancy, and im afraid of buying another mechanical stick, because i had like 3 in the last 12 years, and the 3 of them are unuseable, tilting like crazy while in rested position, tilting even more when moving around, first one's stick even jams on some positions, second one's springs are dead, stick will move around with the wind, and third one, my first one with twisting z rudder axis on stick and throttle, is not as bad as the other 2, but still tilts all the time because of its bad mechanic, what makes it unuseable aswell. plus, its throttle axis' resolution has like 16 positions or so lol, so trying to maintain a speed with it is impossible. not to mention that first half of the throttle is dead, so its either like 50%, 55%, 60%....100% thrust, or 0%.
that just to illustrate how many frustrations i had with joysticks in my life, and why im really afraid of buying another piece of crap.