Author Topic: Reload cache while on cruise and big hangs of P3D  (Read 775 times)


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Reload cache while on cruise and big hangs of P3D
« on: January 15, 2024, 12:44:32 pm »
Hi guys,
The option to not load the airports cache while on cruise was a great addition since I had big hangs of my P3D5 and at the end I would have a message "Airport cache loaded successfully". With that update that ended, only have issues approaching some big airports.

However since last update I've done about 2 weeks ago, and for example on a flight while I was cruising at FL350 over Poland, I had another big hang ending about 3 to 4min after with that message.

Anything changed?

Also I would like to know why this pauses are so long! When I'm at London, Paris, Chicago, New York etc I can understand since those areas my have several big airports, I don't understand that happening at Warsaw, Budapeste or other smaller areas.

If caching is needed would be better that after an update we could have an option for GSX refresh all airports cache at once before we load a flight? Or that isn't possible for the present software logic?
Thanks in advance.
Kind regards.


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Re: Reload cache while on cruise and big hangs of P3D
« Reply #1 on: April 03, 2024, 09:23:31 pm »
+1 since latest update airport cache occured for each P3D launch flight. What happened?