Author Topic: "Strange" problem with Jetstream Designs FSX LFPO scenery  (Read 3311 times)


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"Strange" problem with Jetstream Designs FSX LFPO scenery
« on: May 27, 2020, 02:32:31 pm »

I am a new GSX + GSX Level 2 Expansion user and I really enjoy the improvement of the ground activity within FSX. I had dreamt of the pushback truck and now I have it !!!

I am having a weird issue with the scenery indicated in my subject, that has nice built in SODE jetways. I understand GSX should not tamper with these ones. But ...

- Whenever I load the scenery with GSX active, all is present but the jetways don't come up automatically, I must manually do "Reload SODE objects" and then they appear. So this is not a blocking issue, it just ennoying ... After that, all the GSX ground activity goes very well, no problem.

- If I load the scenery with desactivated GSX, the jetways come up readily !

There must some interaction between the 2 add-ons, but so far I have not been able to figure out what.
Could you please help to resolve this ?

Best Regards

Marc Lionti


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Re: "Strange" problem with Jetstream Designs FSX LFPO scenery
« Reply #1 on: May 27, 2020, 02:42:04 pm »
When a scenery uses its own .XML SODE jetways, GSX is not involved in their creation. What normally happens, in this case, GSX ask SODE for a list of the .XML-created jetways, which SODE sends back to GSX, so GSX will know where they are, and won't try to create ITS own SODE jetways there.

Is this issue happening only on that particular airport ? If yes, it's possibly caused by the gates not being correctly referenced in the scenery own .XML file. While with just SODE, one can name the gates in any way he like, to work with GSX the gate name MUST match the gate name in the scenery .BGL ( ADE file ) exactly, because the gate is the only thing that can link SODE and GSX working together.


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Re: "Strange" problem with Jetstream Designs FSX LFPO scenery
« Reply #2 on: May 27, 2020, 03:10:17 pm »
Hi, thanks for your answer.

Yes it is happening only with this scenery. I have other ones with SODE jetways (Taxi2Gate LFPG, FSDG VOBL ...) and they all work fine.
So if I get you right, next step is to check whether the gates have the exact same names in :

- The SODE xml file for LFPO (I know where to check this)
- The scenery BGL (I believe I will see those names in the GSX parking/jetway editor ? - Or even plain old FSX list of gates for LFPO ? Is that right ?)

If this is what you mean, I will check it and post the result here (next time I have the chance to do some sim system engineering...)

Marc Lionti


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Re: "Strange" problem with Jetstream Designs FSX LFPO scenery
« Reply #3 on: May 27, 2020, 03:51:43 pm »
Yes, you must check these lines in the SODE XML file, for example:

<Stand AfcadICAO="LIML" AfcadGateName="GATE_C" AfcadParkingNumber="6" CustomDesignator="GATE C;06">

And be sure the AfcadGateName match EXACTLY the gate in the airport .BGL, using the official syntax from the SDK, so it can only be one of the following keywords:


So, in this example, what will be listed in the sim and GSX as "Gate C6", must be referenced in SODE as such:

AfcadGateName = "GATE_C" AfcadParkingNumber="6"

Some developers didn't like having the gate referenced in SODE as "GATE_C", so they used different forms, which are not legal SDK ( but still accepted by SODE ), so this would break GSX that requires the real AFCAD name, which is in fact a keyword. SODE provides with the CustomDesignator parameter to assign a "friendly" name to a gate, which is what will be shown in the SODE menu.


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Re: "Strange" problem with Jetstream Designs FSX LFPO scenery
« Reply #4 on: May 27, 2020, 06:06:40 pm »

I have looked at the xml file. It all looks as you say ; here below an example :

<Stand AfcadICAO="LFPO" AfcadGateName="GATE_P" AfcadParkingNumber="11" CustomDesignator="GATE_P; 11">
      <!-- Jetways -->

      <SimObject Name="Jetway P11">
         <TargetSim ID="FSX;FSX-SE"/>
         <Placement Lat="48.731234036386" Lon="2.36082226037979" Alt="0.0#AGL" Hdg="150"/>
         <Model SimTitle="LFPO_SODE_jetway_Type_3_fsx" StaticSimTitle="LFPO_SODE_jetway_Type_3_static_fsx">
            <Jetway InitialState="10;30;70;0"/>

The only thing different I can notice is that there is a "space" between GATE_P; and 11 in the CustomDesignator.
Also another difference I have there with other xml is this line : <TargetSim ID="FSX;FSX-SE"/>
I don't have it in other xml. I have FSX-SE only, but for some reason FSX got a messy uninstallation ... and remains as it's still there for some add-ons. As a matter of fact, my fsx.cfg is actually called fsx-se.cfg, and there are some other differences like that compared to a pure fsx-se installation. I mean small to big problems with add-ons installers are quite frequents ... because this is not a standard setup :(




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Re: "Strange" problem with Jetstream Designs FSX LFPO scenery
« Reply #5 on: May 27, 2020, 06:16:42 pm »
The reason why you have an FSX-SE.CFG it's because when you originally installed FSX:Steam, you still had FSX installed, so your FSX:SE has been installed in a "side-by-side" mode, so it could be used together with the standard FSX.

Then, like many users, you probably removed FSX but, of course, the FSX uninstaller, which was made so many years before the existence of FSX:SE, doesn't know anything about it, so it will not "reconfigure" FSX:Steam to run in a "stand-alone" mode.

And, FSX:SE itslelf won't "monitor" if you kept FSX installed, it will continue to run in a now useless "side-by-side" mode, even if there's no FSX anymore.

The proper way to fix this would have been:

- Uninstall FSX

- Uninstall FSX:SE

- Reinstall FSX:SE

This way, FSX:SE would have reconfigured itself to run stand-alone, so it would use exactly the same registry keys and configuration folders as the standard FSX, which is usually the easiest way to use it and it's the most compatible.

Note that, nothing of this should have any effect on GSX or any other FSDT product, because we support FSX:SE in both configurations, but not all add-on do that and, in fact, if you ALTERED the FSX:SE registry keys in some way trying to "fix" this, it's the more proper products ( like GSX, or SODE ) that will end up being confused, because you might have changed some keys, for not others.

That's why uninstalling and reinstalling FSX:SE ( being sure no trace of the old FSX is still there, both folders and registry entries ), it's the safest way to obtain a "normal" installation that doesn't have issues.