Author Topic: Emergency Message for F-18 FSX free flight - Anyone know the background?  (Read 11475 times)


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I get this one word message when doing unusual attitudes or maybe about to run of of fuel.  I'm not hearing it very well as I don't know what is being said - sounds something like "Kong glob u la" in a female voice.

Anyone else getting this feedback and does anyone know more about it?  Thanks.


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Only verbal messages given in the FSX  F-18 are, ( Bingo Fuel ) and   ( Over G).  Bingo fuel means you must pay attention to remaining fuel because you only have enough to return to base. And that depends if you set it properly before flight. Other wise it means you are in danger of running out of fuel very soon.    Over G just means you are exerting more force on the human body than it can take without blacking out,by way of accent,decent or turns.   Hope this helps. Read through the F-18 forum posts here to get a wealth of info.


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Thanks Skimmer, but, neither of those are it.  I will try to duplicate the message and pay more attention to the phonetics.


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Well, I typed out this nice response and tried unsuccessully to attach a wav file and lost my entire response.  The short version is I went looking for the sound files that may be associated with the F-18 in free flight and came up with Pull Up and BingoFuel.  Pull up sounds straight forward but BingoFuel is a whole nuther game.  I have no earthly idea what the recording is playing.  The sound bite is the one I am hearing.  Sounds nothing remotely like Bingo or Fuel or BingoFuel.  It is must be a basic screw-up.  I did notice that FSX has more than 50,000 discrete files.  I guess MS is allowed to screw up every now and then.  The sound bite is in the 2nd level of folders simply named Sound.  Check it out and let me know what you are hearing.  Thanks.


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    • Voodoo's Hangar
It sounds like the bingofuel.wav file has been produced by a speech generator (but a poor one, like the old Microsoft Mary, or Scansoft Emily).

It is recognisable though ( me anyway). Sounds phonetically like "bin-ga fyu-o"

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Thanks Voodoo for the reply.  Mine must be corrupted.  It doesn't even get close to Bingo or Fuel.  It actually sounds more like "Kong Glue Bee La"


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Are you using a clean new out of the box edition of FSX/ACC? What do other message sound files sound like?


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Yes, recent retail Deluxe/Acceleration package.  All the other sounds that I've heard seem to be normal.  All the lessons, missions, etc.  There are not many voice messages in free flight - I can only think of three used with the F-18 - Bingo Fuel, Pull Up and maybe Over G.  Maybe someone can PM me the 31 KB file for Bingo Fuel and I can replace it.  I was mostly just curious about what was being said and why.  Thanks.


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    • Voodoo's Hangar
Try this version from my installation, Raymar.
FSX Community Tweaks and Fixes at Voodoo's Hangar -


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That fixed it Voodoo.  Must've just been a bad file.   Thanks for working it out for me.  Now if I can just learn to control the speed and AOA of that Hornet . . . .