Author Topic: Fslabs passengers number  (Read 2125 times)

Daviti Abesalashvili

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Fslabs passengers number
« on: March 22, 2019, 04:19:03 pm »
Hello. I know that fslabs a320/319 and GSX are "befriended" and GSX can set number of passengers for aircraft. Before I request boarding (after refuelling and catering services), I set payload in FMC, then request boarding. GSX askes how many passengers to board and here is problem. number is smaller than one I set previously. I edit that number to match mine and request boarding. Payload is then dropped to zero (I know that is normal) and gradually increases to the number GSX offered previously (the one I edited). For example, on last flight I set passengers number to 116, requested boarding and GSX told that there were 96 passengers set by AC, I edited it to 116 end pressed enter, boarding started and after completion I found that actually there was 96 passengers. Cargo load was normal.

Daviti Abesalashvili

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Re: Fslabs passengers number
« Reply #1 on: March 25, 2019, 10:54:09 am »
Solved it. I used to call for jetway at first and do all the rest after that. I set passengers and cargo after requesting jetway. All I had to do was to do all payload insertion before any interaction with GSX.