...However, it would be interesting to know why, you lost your serial number in the first place...
I can answer that; But, first Thank you (Gracie!) for getting this fixed so quickly.
Ok, here's what happened (briefly)...
I cloned my RAID HDD's using Norton's Ghost to another set of RAID HDD's. After that, Vista no longer showed my DVD drive in Windows and MS Flight Sim X needed re-activation. Symantec Tech support told me about the registry modifying tool that would fix the "Vista NO Longer seeing DVD/CD Drive" issue and after I ran it, it fixed that issue.
Next, I moved on to resolving my issues with FSX. I re-activated my FSX including all the reactivation requests from Cloud9's (Your) ENBR X, Orlando X, etc. However, I got a message from your "Esellerate" saying that my XPOI key was returned. I, though, that I re-purchased this key too but, must have forgot. So, I manually removed the XPOI Reg Key (as per your previous instructions in previous PM's) and it worked fine; with the exception of a stupid dialogue message which states that I had an "Invalid Key" when I first load FSX; most likely due to the Cloning. So, I decided to Call MS for tech support on that too. They told me it was most probably from one of my addon's. But, it is from their Vista Security check which might only be resolved by a complete re-installation of FSX or another clone of the HDD's. Then, after all those issues were resolved, I installed the KFLL v1.2 update which resulted in the issues above (No Buildings, no Coualt, & no XPOI) happening.
Hope this explains everything. And, If you have any advise about how I can request a re-activation of FSX using a commandline switch to try and re-activate it over again (without re-cloning), that would be most helpful.
Finally, I downloaded and successfully Installed the latest Add-on Manager this morning before I left for work. I will have to wait till I return home to see if it works in FSX (simply didn't have enough time to do that this morning).
Gracie again & Ciao!
Here is the Invalid Key Error I still see...