No, Mayor Daley didn't take bulldozers to KORD like he did to KCGX. Rwy 10-28 was shortened by 4000' by a new paint job.,0,2677869.story
Unfortunately we can't
directly blame King Daley for this one. This one was done per NOTAM:
05/317 (A2522/09) - RWY 10 ASDA/LDA 8881 TODA/TORA 9281. WIE UNTIL 01 OCT 11:01 2009. CREATED: 15
MAY 21:31 2009
05/316 (A2523/09) - RWY 28 TODA/TORA/ASDA/LDA 9281. WIE UNTIL 01 OCT 11:01 2009. CREATED: 15 MAY
21:30 2009
05/315 (A2473/09) - RWY 10/28 E 3719 CLSD. WIE UNTIL 01 OCT 11:00 2009. CREATED: 15 MAY 21:30 2009
So it appears to be only temporary; perhaps repaving of the runway, like what happened at KLAS over the past 8 months?