I landed, taxied and again I couldn´t open the menu. But as I finally stood at the gate with my plane (engines were still running) and desperately tried to open Gsx there came this message up: "[GSX] You need to stop the engines to request ground services".
Apart from the fact that the comment doesn´t make sense (I cannot cut the engines everytime I request a Follow-Me car), it showed me that Gsx isn´t completely dead. I also could go to "settings" etc.
First, GSX was entirely correct asking you to stop the engines and put parking brakes on because, as you said yourself, you were AT THE GATE. When you are OUTSIDE a parking, which is the case when you need to call the FollowMe, GSX won't obviously ask to stop the engines! The services you can call are of course different, depending if you are parked or not. The Follow me is one that can be only requested outside a parking.
And, as you probably already realized, GSX is not "completely dead". In fact, is working perfectly.
What is not working, instead, is your P3D installation, which is lacking support for the standard Simconnect menu, which is used by ALL 3rd party applications that need an in-game menu and, because GSX is one of them and maybe you don't have any other like that installer, you are being mislead this might have something to do with GSX, when it's not.
The reason why your P3D installation is missing the support for in-game menus, is because you updated to P3D 3.3 using the Client installer. There's a very well known bug in the Client installer, that doesn't include some updated files needed to support the new transparent in-game menu which was added in 3.3 so, NO 3rd party application (not just GSX, of course) with a menu will work. More precisely, they WILL work (GSX IS working), but they won't show any menu.
To fix this:
- Uninstall the P3D Client
- Download and install the P3D Content or the latest P3D Full Installer
- If you installed only the P3D Content, you'll have to reinstall the Client too. If, instead, you download the full installer, this is not required.