Completed another approach and landing without a CTD. For your information I don't have any of your fall guys. No Ezdok or AI to blame. As I said in post in the July 14, 2016, one the Couatl Live Updates corrected the problem.
This was in your case, which doesn't necessarily mean it's exactly the *same* as everybody else.
We got a confirmation from Ezdok support people that, in case of an user that I personally assisted with Teamviewer, the crash WAS caused by his outdated Beta version of Ezdok camera. And, another user still has a crash IN FSUIPC4.DLL, which is nothing we have any interaction with.
As I've said, the Couatl update fixed a crash that could only happen in ntdll.dll or kernelbase.dll (usually it happened when exiting the sim, but it could also randomly appear in flight), but it couldn't possibly have any effect on anything related to graphics/textures, which the GD2.DLL crash is related to.