after starting Prepar3d v1.4 i can call GSX via STRG+F12
But after setting the Aircraft to another Airport STRG+F12 did not work unti i restart cuatl.
Doesn't happen here. And nobody has reported it before. Of course, before replying I made a test, as I always do, but since you haven't said:
- Which airport you started from
- Which airport you moved to
I can only assume you mean it happens everywhere, so I tried with two random airports ( started from JFK and moved to CYVR ), and GSX worked normally before and after changing the airport.
As usual, you can enable Logging in the "Troubleshooting" section of the "GSX - Settings" page so you must do the following (after having restarted the sim with Logging ENABLED
1) Go to the first airport, call GSX
2) Move to the other airport, call GSX again
3) Exit the sim
4) Send me (best by email) the Couatl.LOG file found under the %APPDATA%\Virtuali folder and, if you have a Couatl.ERR file, send that too.