Author Topic: CYVR perhaps no more compatible with latest orbx vector and pnw patches?  (Read 22137 times)


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The area you highlighted as missing in our scenery, it's not part of the scenery so, any problem you have with it, it's caused by some other 3rd party terrain you installed.

That's how the scenery looks like with the default FSX terrain, the coastline there is correct.
Well, Boss, it looks like you were replying to me but I wasn't accusing FSDT I was only pointing out to the original post
that something IS wrong with ORBX's products in this area.  ;)

For me (P3D) ORBX Vector messes up the most with shorelines 10-20-30 meters offshore.  The difference between
FTX Global and FTX North America is quite dramatic. FTX NA isn't very good while FTX Global looks much like the
default textures but "better".

So, to Anatol14....FTX NA seemed to cause the most inaccurate textures in that area.  FTX Global & Vector were fine.
FTX NA & Vector were a mess.



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Hello, thank you for your answers. To me, as shown in the screenshots, I have no Problem using orbx und na pnw without fsdCYVR - in this case the shoreline/landwaterclass is correct more or less like in Umbertos Picture with fsx Default. So to me, there is no fault in orbx na pnw used as stand alone. fsdCyvr used stand alone, the same: no Problem. Both active, I get the Problem shown in the Screens. As mentioned, other users can reproduce this. I would be happy for any solution which allows to fly wonderful fsdCYVR with wonderful orbx na pnw with correct shoreline. Thank you,


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Nobody ever reported a problem with PNW scenery before. Are you sure the problem is not caused by having ALSO FTX Global installed too ? Or something else by OrbX ?

We cannot guarantee the scenery will work with ANY possible combination with 3rd party sceneries, let alone keeping track of their patches and upgrades.

We can only guarantee it will work with the default FSX scenery, which it obviously does. That's why we have a Trial version for every product, so you can verify how bad/good it works with your combination of installed 3rd party addons.


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Hello Umberto, yes, as you said, in this case I use an fsx orbx System (vector, global, pnw and so on) - I realy dont look for faults or responsabilities. For an end user, sometimes it is not easy to accept this orbx - non orbx Dilemma. I appreciate your work - your scenery is perfect. I only look for a solution to combine fsdCYVR perfect with orbx world, perhaps an Illusion, perhaps a great pity, but thats al. Kind regards 


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I only look for a solution to combine fsdCYVR perfect with orbx world

Since you already verified the airport is not the problem, the next obvious step is to:

- Disable EVERY non-default 3rd party product from FSX

- Selectively enable ONE 3rd party addon.

- Launch FSX, test the scenery, note the result.

- Exit from FSX, enable the next one, try again.

If you don't do this, you will never know exactly which one is the cause.


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Hello Umberto, can you post an image from your System with ftx global, vercotr, pnw and fsdCYVR, concerning the iona Island Corner. Dave_YVR confirm the Problem.  To me, CYVR conflicts or supressed the orbx PNW Landclass along the whole North and east side of the Airport. Not a great issue but it stick out: northwest the iona Wood-rectangle, North and east side the transition from the inlet to the mainland looks a Little bit cropped. I start a virgin FSX with the orbx global, vector, pnw, Vancouver 3 and pnw and got the Problem described. Perhaps something conflicts between an fsdCYVR file and ftx_na\pnw06_cvx. Is it possible to alter a file of fsdCYVR to fit in the Airport in orbx pnw perfectly? regards


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Hello Umberto, can you post an image from your System with ftx global, vercotr, pnw and fsdCYVR, concerning the iona Island Corner.


Since you already verified the airport is not the problem, the next obvious step is to:

- Disable EVERY non-default 3rd party product from FSX

- Selectively enable ONE 3rd party addon.

- Launch FSX, test the scenery, note the result.

- Exit from FSX, enable the next one, try again.

If you don't do this, you will never know exactly which one is the cause. If you don't first assess which scenery is causing the problem, we cannot even BEGIN to discuss what to do next.


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Umberto, please dont repeat  :-\
In this Moment I only can ascertain that if fsdCYVR ist active orbx Pnw has anomalies as described. What do you mean concerning ftx global base and vector. If installed you cannot put it of to use fsdCYVR only with orbx pnw, that is nothing new to you. As you said elsewhere in this forum have nothin to do...I have expected, that fsdCYVR fits without this anomalies in the orbx-world with pnw as well as with global base and vector is installed/active - that ist no extraordinary combination!
 .... fsdCYVR and orbx world is best coice for this region. I dont want to quit one of it. So please help - your place in simmers heaven would be sure  ;). regards


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Umberto, please dont repeat  :-\

If you don't reply to my question, I can only repeat it. Have you done EXACTLY what I said ? The result ?

In this Moment I only can ascertain that if fsdCYVR ist active orbx Pnw has anomalies as described

Are you sure you mean with JUST CYVR + PNW and nothing else ? If you continue to refuse trying what I've already said (twice), it's NOT POSSIBLE to even START discussing a "POSSIBLE" fix. We cannot even tell if a fix it's possible. We cannot even say WHAT must be fixed, being FSDT or OrbX

What do you mean concerning ftx global base and vector. If installed you cannot put it of to use fsdCYVR only with orbx pnw, that is nothing new to you. As you said elsewhere in this forum have nothin to do...I have expected, that fsdCYVR fits without this anomalies in the orbx-world with pnw as well as with global base and vector is installed/active - that ist no extraordinary combination!

Again, as I've said already, we can only guarantee compatibility with FSX DEFAULT scenery, and that's it.

I believe we tested briefly with PNW, because PNW was already released when CYVR came out, but the other OrbX products have been released AFTER CYVR so, what I'm trying to understand, if the problem happens "just" with CYVR+PNW, or if add the OTHER stuff too.

Which is why, I keep asking if you can verify this, and can only be done by doing what I've "repeated" twice.

So, please, do this test:

- Disable EVERY non-default 3rd party product from FSX

- Selectively enable ONE 3rd party addon.

- Launch FSX, test the scenery, note the result.

- Exit from FSX, enable the next one, try again.

And, report back, with a definite answer if your case either:

1) a problem with "just" PNW + CYVR and NOTHING ELSE non-default


2) a problem when enabling the other OrbX products to PNW + CYVR


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Umberto, O.K. I ll try to explain it again: I use a normal fsxSP2 with utx and fsdCYVR - no Problem, everything is fine and... I use a new fsxSP2 System  with orbx vector, global, pnw and fsdCYVR- the problems reported refer to this system. If you have tested briefly orbx pnw (only?) with fsdCYVR only and everything is fine I have no doubt, thats a fact. So we can sumarize, the Problem only exists in combination with orbx global and vector. To test what you ask will come to the result you expect! So why I should test what you already knows? Please not to give me the answer at the end I still have ..."we only guarantee...". I am a little bit frustrated  -  that is more reproof than support. That is a pity so much the more it dont solve the problem. If I have missunderstood your replies, Umberto, I am sorry.


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If you have tested briefly orbx pnw (only?) with fsdCYVR only and everything is fine I have no doubt, thats a fact. So we can sumarize, the Problem only exists in combination with orbx global and vector.

Is this what you experienced too ?

Please not to give me the answer at the end I still have ..."we only guarantee..."

I'll give you a different reply then: we took the time to test CYVR + PNW when we made CYVR, because that product was already on the market at that time. And this is even more than we are supposed to do because, as I've said, we can only *guarantee* compatibility with FSX default terrain. But we did it anyway, because it's usually wise to check your product against other products that might eventually cause conflicts in the same area, which were released *BEFORE*.

When OrbX Global and vector were released, CYVR was the product already on the market for about 1 year so, has OrbX done the same ?

Because, if:

CYVR + default = no problems
CYVR + UTX = no problems
CYVR + PNW = no problems

CYVR + Global and vector = problems

It might look like Global and vector is not even entirely compatible with OrbX own PNW. Just as a test, have you tried this combination ?
« Last Edit: June 08, 2015, 09:40:52 am by virtuali »


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 Here's what I've found so far. I don't have vector installed, so that's not part of the issue.

 PNW enabled and FSDT CYVR disabled, the shoreline is fine.
 PNW disabled and FSDT CYVR enabled, the shoreline is fine.
 As soon as both are enabled the shoreline issue is there.


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I have made same experience as Dave - it seems neither vector nor global is the problem, but as I mentioned on page 1, this orbx pnw file: "ftx_na\pnw06_cvx" conflicts with CYVR.