Author Topic: Problem with RW22R  (Read 3283 times)

richard welsh

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Problem with RW22R
« on: April 29, 2013, 08:30:16 pm »
Hello, I am an experienced simmer having used the previous version of KJFK without any problems, this is not a complaint about the scenery which is outstanding but does concern RW22R which I flew into from KDTW last night where the problem occurred.  I flew the same route tonight thinking this might be a one off but the same thing happened. I was flying the 737ngx and all the perameters were in place for approach and landing. ILS109.5 course 222 and heading222 but at the landing the actual course I landed on was way off the runway about 10degrees. Is this something you are aware of as I don't think I was at fault. Regards Richard Welsh.


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Re: Problem with RW22R
« Reply #1 on: April 30, 2013, 01:00:19 am »
Nothing wrong. That runway has a offset localizer. Read here the last time someone posted that question:


richard welsh

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Re: Problem with RW22R
« Reply #2 on: April 30, 2013, 12:26:29 pm »
Hello, Thanks for the quick reply.  In all my time flying into KJFK I have never used RW22R, I don't know what made me use it on this occasion, hence I was not aware that the Localiser was offset.  You live and learn. Regards Richard Welsh.