Author Topic: How to eliminate extra baggage train?  (Read 2875 times)


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How to eliminate extra baggage train?
« on: April 04, 2012, 02:37:40 am »
Flying ConcordeX:  Adjusted cargo height so now loader is operational but only one Cargo (upper) is used, however, two baggage trains are dispatched and they loop back and forth and drive right through each other before one finally lines up at the cargo door and the other proceeds to drive through it and away.  Amusing little dance they do!  How do I eliminate the unwanted baggage train?

On another related note, the Concorde has a nosewheel very far back from the nose of the aircraft.  The marshaller bases its distance relative to the position of nosewheel.  This puts the marshaller almost under the nose of the aircraft before he/she signals to stop.  This also brings the aircraft too far forward for jetway.  Is there a way to adjust this for the aircraft rather than the individual gates?  My thinking is that somehow a GSX.cfg for aircraft could be created using a fictitious nose wheel position.  Would this mess anything else up?  What exactly would be the procedure to accomplish this?

Craig Williams
I7 7700K OC to 4.8Ghz 16GB DDR4 2666Mhz SD RAM GTX1060 6GB LIQ Cooled Win10 Home 64


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Re: How to eliminate extra baggage train?
« Reply #1 on: April 04, 2012, 08:54:27 pm »
In reading other posts it seems that there SHOULD NOT BE a second baggage train if there is only one baggage door.  Why am I getting two?  Now the ConcordeX DOES have a second or bulk cargo door that is below the regular cargo door but GSX never calls for it to be opened.  Is this 2nd train for that door and could it be that the threshold is TOO LOW and therefore not operational?  I adjusted the Maximum height in the config file as per Umberto's instructs but don't know if I can similarly adjust the Minimum height and that would activate the second Cargo hold.  I assume, then, that the 2nd train would then wait until the first had finished and then pull into same place for the 2nd door since they are one above the other.  Would a second conveyor then be sent or would the first one just lower its conveyor for the second door? 

Craig Williams
I7 7700K OC to 4.8Ghz 16GB DDR4 2666Mhz SD RAM GTX1060 6GB LIQ Cooled Win10 Home 64