I will list all the changes I made:
- change to ws.geonames.org -> Geonames POI not working, wiki not working
- change back to ws2.geonames.org -> the same
- change again to ws.geonames.org -> everything works
Happy, I decided to buy the product, but when the activation confirmation pops up, all the geonames POI disappear !! -> Geonames POI not working, but wiki works
- change to ws2.geonames.org -> the same (geonames not working, but wiki works)
- back to ws.geonames.org -> the same
- turned off geonames and then on again -> everything works !
But when restarting FSX a little bit later, the same problem as before, neither geonames POI nor wiki working.
Still no couatl error log file.
The search function worked every time.
Where is the problem ? It seems to me like if changing the server name into either ws2 or ws helped, but only for one time, after restarting FSX (and so restarting XPOI) the same problem appears.