Author Topic: KORD AFCAD UPDATES  (Read 11915 times)


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« on: January 24, 2011, 04:48:46 am »
Hello. Where on this web site I can find the latest "AFCAD" update for KORD for FSX? I have search through most of the post and I cannot find a location where I can dowbload the latest AFCAD file for this scenery.



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« Reply #1 on: January 24, 2011, 05:31:54 am »
the latest ones should be in the installer. There might be some on avsim too if the FSDT one isnt as up to date as those
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« Reply #2 on: January 24, 2011, 10:20:58 am »
I confirm, the AFCAD included in the installer is the last one we released. Of course, there might be better ones on other forums made by users, but you can be sure the one included in the installer that is currently online, is the last one made by FSDT.


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« Reply #3 on: January 25, 2011, 08:32:19 am »
Thanks for responding. When you say the latest one is on the installer, does that mean I should install again just to get the latest AFCAD? I don't understand why there is no location designated on site just for the latest AFCAD so one would not have to reinstall the scenery again just to get the latest AFCAD.



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« Reply #4 on: January 25, 2011, 10:09:40 am »
Thanks for responding. When you say the latest one is on the installer, does that mean I should install again just to get the latest AFCAD?

The latest AFCAD is dated Jan. 2010 so, if you downloaded the installer after this date, you should have it already.

I don't understand why there is no location designated on site just for the latest AFCAD so one would not have to reinstall the scenery again just to get the latest AFCAD.

The AFCAD is not the only thing that has been updated since the release. Another user would like to have another .bgl or another texture file available separately in order "not install again just to get the latest xxx file". It will never end, and will become too complex for users to follow and for us to maintain.


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« Reply #5 on: January 29, 2011, 03:58:36 am »
Thanks Umberto,

You wrote:

"The AFCAD is not the only thing that has been updated since the release. Another user would like to have another .bgl or another texture file available separately in order "not install again just to get the latest xxx file". It will never end, and will become too complex for users to follow and for us to maintain."

This is not really a good comparison because I'm only talking about an AFCAD, which changes more often than a building, terminal, or runway. I would consider these changes "Scenery Updates".  AFCAD's, in my opinion, mostly reflect how traffic moves within the airports. I am also looking at this from a "user's" point of view rather than a "Scenery Designer's" point of view.

Anyway, I am just asking and hope I did not offend you and thank you for taking the time to respond.


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« Reply #6 on: January 29, 2011, 11:42:36 am »
This is not really a good comparison because I'm only talking about an AFCAD, which changes more often than a building, terminal, or runway.

We can only be concerned with what we release, of course. Our last AFCAD update for KORD was 1 year ago so, I wouldn't say it changes very often.

We used to keep a separate AFCAD to download on the forum, but it was only during in the early weeks/months after KORD was initially released, because at that time, the AFCAD *was* constantly updated, following user suggestions. We think the one that comes with the scenery now is reasonably stable, and everything else should be a matter of user modifications.

That's why it would make probably more sense to just download the whole installer again, because something else other then the AFCAD might have been updated in the last year.

I am also looking at this from a "user's" point of view rather than a "Scenery Designer's" point of view.

It's exactly from the point of view of an user, which is better to dont even have to *think*, and just download the whole installer on site, to be sure you have the very latest version of everything.

As an user, I really hate when I have to keep a base installer, then keep track of patches or (even worse) separate files, that I have to remember what they did and were to put them. I always prefer to have a single file installation for every game I use, when possible.


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« Reply #7 on: January 30, 2011, 06:14:02 am »
Thanks again for your information and time. I do think we are picturing 2 different things in our minds. When I speak of AFCAD, I am referring to the handling of taxing traffic by ATC. This is also what I believe most flightsimmers identify with AFCAD's. If the taxi of A/C is not well thought out, it results in traffic tie-ups and eventual removal (Disappearance) after a while.
I also know that AFCAD's can also refer to runway, buildings, objects, and other things other than just how traffic is routed. I have often wondered when is a piece of software an "AFCAD" or "Scenery" - what is the deciding factor. When I posted my original question, I was referring to the most efficient movement of ground traffic by ATC that resulted in no traffic conflicts.
I hope you now understand what I was trying to convey. Again, thanks for all your info.


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« Reply #8 on: January 30, 2011, 12:16:21 pm »
I do think we are picturing 2 different things in our minds.

No, we aren't. There's only one way to refer to the AFCAD, and we are referring to the same thing which, as I've said, it hasn't been updated in a year for KORD and, the one we made is good enough and it's included in the full installer.

If other users have made better versions, they are welcome to upload it here, but you can't expect we'll look around for AFCAD made by others, to be hosted here, nor we can obviously support them.

If you have specific problems to report regarding the AFCAD that comes with the scenery, please go ahead, but consider that it will be reworked heavily anyway when we'll have to update the scenery for the new runways so, it won't make much sense to work at it now (considering it has been out in the same version for a year), when it will be almost entirely remade in any case.


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« Reply #9 on: February 03, 2011, 06:28:41 am »
Let me first say that I am sorry if I have offended or made you somewhat irritated - this was never my intention. Even if the AFCAD was not updated in a year does not mean it is without flaws or could not be improved upon. I spend lots of time observing airport traffic at major airports from an addon-on tower viewpoint. I have noticed on several occasions A/C appeared stuck - thereby tieing up traffic on taxiways and eventually affecting active runway traffic. I am not sure if it is a fault in the AFCAD or ATC (which share in a lot of tie-ups). I was merely asking if there was a location whereby one could download only the latest AFCAD without having to reinstall the entire scenery. I appreciate you knowledge, expertise and thank you for your time and effort to help me understand why there is not.


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« Last Edit: February 03, 2011, 06:32:28 am by wb2002 »

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« Reply #10 on: February 03, 2011, 09:44:25 am »
Let me first say that I am sorry if I have offended or made you somewhat irritated - this was never my intention. Even if the AFCAD was not updated in a year does not mean it is without flaws or could not be improved upon.

Now you are confusing two things: the fact you would like to have the AFCAD updated more often, with the ability to download it separately from the rest of the scenery.

That's was my point: since the AFCAD has NOT been updated (not by us) in over a year, it doesn't make any sense to have it available separately because, as I've said, if you downloaded the full installer more than a year ago, it's surely outdated anyway, and not just the Afcad, so you'll want the full installer anyway.

Now, we can discuss if it would be nice to have the AFCAD constantly updated, which is an entirely different matter and, of course, if the AFCAD WAS updated more often, it would be useful to download it separately.

However, it's no use working on KORD AFCAD right now, since we'll have to update the whole scenery for the new runways, so the AFCAD will be heavily reworked in any case.