Author Topic: FSDT Airports and GSX Disappear After Cache Refreshes  (Read 705 times)


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FSDT Airports and GSX Disappear After Cache Refreshes
« on: December 13, 2022, 04:38:00 pm »
All FSDT airports disappear when cache refreshes or I rebuild at startup. This also includes any airports utilizing GSX. Additionally, Couatl Manager, Couatl Live Update, and GSX disappear from the Addon Menu. I checked the task manager while P3dv4 was running and Couatl engine was running. I uninstalled/reinstalled all FSDT products, including inactivating and reactivating all. I ran the FSDT installer and updated everything numerous times. Still have problem. Any ideas?



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Re: FSDT Airports and GSX Disappear After Cache Refreshes
« Reply #1 on: December 14, 2022, 03:25:04 pm »
After remembering what Umberto said about a previous issue with KORD cache refreshing constantly (he stated that the simconnect could have too many programs using it (I am paraphrasing), I uninstalled P3d v4 SDK and reinstalled it thinking possibly simconnect may have become corrupt. I am not sure if that was the case but everything seems to be working again.
