But there was also no resolution posted in this thread. Thus as a customer the perception is that the issue was never dealt with, or a fix never made public. So yes I am aware that this is an old thread and instead of rehashing a new one as I figure it is something unique and not often seen, continued on this thread.
I never said you shouldn't have replied to this thread "because it's old". I said this thread is old, to point out nobody ever reported a problem after that original report.
Fortunately, I store all my email since the 90's on our server, which is helpful in this case.
Let's see the chronology of this issue:
Pit and Bluenarval reported this problem on January 18th. On the SAME day, I email to Rex, explaining the possible issue, asking to send me a copy of SkyForce, and offering a copy of GSX in exchange. I never got any reply.
On March 5th, Pit said he wrote to Rex, which replied saying they never heard from me.
On the SAME day, I received an email from Tim Fuchs ( head of REX ), saying they wanted to reach out trying to fix this problem. I replied March 7th, sending another copy of the email I sent in January, and never got any reply.
So, after 3 years, and nobody ever reported this again, I could only assume REX might have find a way to fix this. Please note, I never seen this product, and I have no idea what it does.
If injects weather in the simulator, the only possible place I can think it could affect GSX is during the check for icing conditions. GSX doesn't or change the weather, it only use standard Simconnect functions and reads standard weather variables so, the only possible way it could be affected if the program sent an invalid Metar, but GSX is also checking for this and, if it receives invalid Metar or no metar at all, it will use a simpler strategy to check for icing using only the outside temperature, and this should protect it from any problem happening with Metar.