Author Topic: GSX Level 2 seems to activate Flying Tips in P3D v4 **SOLVED**  (Read 2722 times)


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I have had this issue for a long time where I turn off Flying Tips in the P3D gereral options menu and it comes back on by itself.  I have narrowed the issue down to activation of GSX services.  When I load into an airport with Flying Tips turned off and request any GSX service, the Fying Tips window will open immediately to warn me of low fuel level, or barometric pressure or to tell me my engines are not yet started.  It is very annoying to have to turn this off and on with each GSX use.

Is there a GSX setting that I am not seeing that causes this?
« Last Edit: April 24, 2019, 09:36:51 am by virtuali »


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Re: GSX Level 2 seems to activate Flying Tips in P3D v4
« Reply #1 on: April 23, 2019, 12:11:21 am »
Nothing in the GSX code, or the whole FSDT software, requires, reads or write the status of the Flying tips setting, which is controlled by the QUICKTIPS=x ( 0 or 1 ) setting in the Prepar3d.cfg file.

Of course, I tested it, and if I disabled all tips from the settings menu, and I call GSX, it stays disabled. And it also stays disabled if I exit the sim, then enter it again, and call GSX again. No change to the settings, which is to be expected, since nothing in GSX relates to it.

The only option that matters for GSX to work, is the "Message Text", which is NOT the Flying tips, and it's controlled by the ShowMessageText setting instead. But we don't set this automatically either, we only have a warning if it has been disabled, since it's required by GSX to operate correctly.


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Re: GSX Level 2 seems to activate Flying Tips in P3D v4
« Reply #2 on: April 23, 2019, 08:24:33 am »
I get what your saying however User Tips remain off unless I call for dinner GSX service. I loaded P3D 10 times today and user Tips stayed off every time.  I then loaded  10 more times and each time called agsx service.  There very first window I got was user tips every time.  So something is going on.  This is my third install of P3D and GSX and the issue is occurring.


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Re: GSX Level 2 seems to activate Flying Tips in P3D v4
« Reply #3 on: April 23, 2019, 09:49:07 am »
I'm sorry, but I can only repeat and confirm that nothing in GSX ever access that settings, and the issue you are reporting doesn't happen here.

It's possible you have a 3rd party product, like an airplane or another product that interfaces with GSX that does that and, because it interfaces with GSX, you are mislead thinking it's GSX, because to you, it seems that whenever you activate GSX the setting changes, but it's because of that product, surely we don't touch that settings from GSX.


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Re: GSX Level 2 seems to activate Flying Tips in P3D v4
« Reply #4 on: April 23, 2019, 08:31:32 pm »
LOL...well where to begin

Addons Maddogx, PMDG 737, Active sky, your KCLT your KDFW etc for kicks and giggles I uninstalled everything.  Only loaded P3D and GSX.  Set user tips to off.  Flew for a bit no problem...Taxied into the gate at the default KSAN, called for the Jetware and guess what?  User tips window pops up and tells me my altimeter is set wrong...Now ONLY P3D v4.5 and GSX...nothing else.

I have never posted in this forum, but I have looked around a lot searching for help.  There is one commone thread here.  It is always someone else's fault.  So now that I have only P3D and GSX running where can the fault lie?  In my PMDG installer on my other drive? 


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Re: GSX Level 2 seems to activate Flying Tips in P3D v4
« Reply #5 on: April 23, 2019, 08:56:14 pm »
Also, QUICKTIPS=X is NOT User Tips, it's Cockpit Tool Tips
1. Loaded P3D, Robinson, default KOKC
2. CTL+SHT+X my command to call GSX
3. Of course GSX says, I can't calll services without Parking Break set
4. User Tips Comes and and Tells me my Engine is off.

Tried it again, this time called GSX from the Addons menu (no key stroke just used the mouse)
User tips Comes on and Tells me my Engine is off.

The ONLY commone denominator is using GSX.  Anytime the YouControl menu is called something turns on User Tips....I also want to make this clear NOT QUICKTIPS=X which equals Cockpit Tooltips but USER TIPS

I can replicate this from fresh install through using all my ONLY occurs when YOUCONTROL menu is called...

Now, if you don't know WHY it is happening, just say so.  No harm no foul, no one can know EVERYTHING, however don't try and tell me that it is NOT something to do with GSX because I have eliminated every other addon and it STILL happens..


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Re: GSX Level 2 seems to activate Flying Tips in P3D v4
« Reply #6 on: April 24, 2019, 09:35:08 am »
Also, QUICKTIPS=X is NOT User Tips, it's Cockpit Tool Tips

That doesn't change anything. GSX doesn't touch either of these settings.

2. CTL+SHT+X my command to call GSX

THAT'S it. You CHANGED the key command to call GSX and you assigned to what, by default, is already assigned to:

No harm no foul, no one can know EVERYTHING


however don't try and tell me that it is NOT something to do with GSX because I have eliminated every other addon and it STILL happens..

I tried to, and of course I was right. It's not GSX, is the fact you changed the default key used for it, so each time you called GSX, you *also* triggered the tooltips, so you were mislead thinking "it was GSX", when it wasn't.
« Last Edit: April 24, 2019, 09:56:15 am by virtuali »


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Re: GSX Level 2 seems to activate Flying Tips in P3D v4 **SOLVED**
« Reply #7 on: April 24, 2019, 06:03:48 pm »
Yes, you were right.  I can admit it.  It would have been nice had you sent me in the key assignments direction instead of chasing the Cockpit tool tips thing.  Live and learn.
« Last Edit: April 24, 2019, 06:06:21 pm by goose66 »