Author Topic: Some suggestions  (Read 1621 times)


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Some suggestions
« on: January 16, 2019, 12:31:06 am »
Just a few thoughts, maybe it's possible to work them into a future build of GSX v2:

1. In the past I used to edit some parking spots, but sometimes I can't find some empty space for the Baggage trains. In Munich for example, there are some spots to park those trains (see my attached picture, close to the left margin you can see some lanes next to the jetways). So I figured why don't I put the trains there for every position at the Airport (or let's say in the vicinity of this particular spot), the only problem is, after Requesting the Deboarding the trains will take the shortest way to reach the cargo loader and if my Aircraft is parking on the position which on my picture is occupied by an A340-600, the trains go strait to the vehicles, jetways, AI-Traffic, etc. What do you think, is it possible to "teach" them a specific route by defining some waypoints on the tarmac? In this case for example, I want them to start at one of the lanes and take the road until they pass my parked aircraft, and then turn left so reach the cargo loader.

2. Is it possible to let GSX start the Deboarding process by it's own, as soon as the Beacon get's switched off? I know, that this depends on the Aircraft as well, and in order to make sure it affects only aircraft who have just landed, it could be necessary to make this only work, when you select the parking sport in the air.


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Re: Some suggestions
« Reply #1 on: January 20, 2019, 12:51:42 am »