Author Topic: Another AIcarriers2 question  (Read 5575 times)


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Another AIcarriers2 question
« on: July 04, 2009, 12:04:57 pm »
This board has been very helpful-thanks to all.  I'm still trying to get my head around what AICarriers can do for me.  I downloaded the new Nimitz package, but there are a number of other carriers to choose from.  Questions:
1.  I assume the Enterprise and Nimitz with their multiple configurations are from the Nimitz package and the rest are already included in FSX.  Were their any carriers included with AIcarriers 2? 
2.  I have Flight Deck 4 installed but cannot find that carrier (Ronald Regan) in the drop down.  Is it accessible?  I assume it's not and it's really treated as a static airfield by FSX, that's why you have tower/ILS/TACAN functionality
3.  Therefore, I assume that none of the carriers that are accessible in AICarriers 2 have ILS capability.  I did read a post trying to differentiate "static" from "moving" carriers but really don't know what they are referring to. 

Thanks for any help.


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Re: Another AIcarriers2 question
« Reply #1 on: July 04, 2009, 12:29:17 pm »
1.  Some carriers come with the default AIcarriers 2.
2.  Flight Deck 4 puts airports in the list, so you have to search for them in the airports.
3.  Correct.  A static aircraft carrier is one that is not moving, a moving one, well obviously, is moving.  A static aircraft carrier has the capability for ILS, but it would be in your airport list and the aircraft carrier would always be there, AIcarriers 2 running or not.  Putting ILS on a moving boat in FSX is trying to put ILS on your airplane, its not possible in FSX.


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Re: Another AIcarriers2 question
« Reply #2 on: July 05, 2009, 01:29:10 pm »
Thanks for the info.  Can only use Flight Deck 4 carriers for ILS lands.  I can use the FSX F/A-18 instead of the abacus planes which is a bonus.