Hello Virtuali, I would like your opinion if you do not mind pertaining to hardware. Currently, I have a phenom 9950 w/ 4 gib mem and a gtx 260 core 216. Allthough it runs FSX okay, I am looking for more frames. Overclocking my Phenom to 3.0 GHz helps, but I would like a little more performance. Do you think the current processors will show a signifigant gain (Phemon II's or core I7), or should I wait for something coming down the pipeline. My budget is limited, so I probably am leaning towards the phenom II 940 since it is AM2+, and I do like the rest of my components. Ive been reading that overclocking these processors is relatively easy, as much as 3.7 on a good cooler. This processor should be a big upgrade from my 9950, right? I do see the benefits from 2.6 to 2.9 in frames at Zurich, as much as 5-7 frames to be honest, so I could only imagine FSX running at 3.7 - 3.8? Thank you for your time, I really appreciate what FSDreamteam does for the flight sim community.