Author Topic: Why is this scenery so bad?  (Read 7067 times)


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Why is this scenery so bad?
« on: May 21, 2017, 09:38:27 pm »
I'm actually astonished at how fragile, disgusting, and inaccurate this scenery is. It's actually amazing how bad it is for the price. BluePrint Sceneries can do a better job. The ground textures are absolutely disgusting, there are constant elevation issues with the taxiway signs, some jetways can't even attach to the aircraft's fuselage, the gates are inaccurate in terms of size and aircraft capability. I'm just absolutely disgusted, you have managed to turn one of my favorite airports into the last destination I would think of flying to. I really do hope your second try at this scenery is successful because, the flight sim community deserves more than this.
« Last Edit: May 21, 2017, 09:49:36 pm by khairlines »


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Re: Why is this scenery so bad?
« Reply #1 on: May 22, 2017, 05:52:30 pm »
Yes, the scenery is very bad. In fact, is so bad, that we let uses TRY IT before purchasing it. And, because of the Trial, everybody knows how bad the scenery so, what was the point of commenting something that is obviously common knowledge ?


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Re: Why is this scenery so bad?
« Reply #2 on: May 23, 2017, 07:18:08 am »
Unfortunately the trial only gives customers a mere 5-15 minutes to "try" the scenery. Customers never learn of how difficult it is to use the scenery in the scenery library. Furthermore, they never see a scenery that consistently performs at its advertised level of quality.


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Re: Why is this scenery so bad?
« Reply #3 on: May 23, 2017, 05:49:13 pm »
Unfortunately the trial only gives customers a mere 5-15 minutes to "try" the scenery

That's not the case, of course. The Trial, as explained everywhere on the site, including the FAQ page:

The Demo doesn't have an expiration date. It's possible to use it for an unlimited number of times, just not more than a few minutes each time. This way, it's possible to evaluate the product by making tweaks on the system, upgrades, at everyone's pace

Customers never learn of how difficult it is to use the scenery in the scenery library.

They don't have to "learn" anything, since the installer obviously installs the scenery in the Scenery Library automatically. But of course, everybody knows that.

Furthermore, they never see a scenery that consistently performs at its advertised level of quality.

Then I can only see two possibilities here:

1) Many thousands of users that bought KLAX, after the very extensive Trial we offered in the 6 years since it was released (again, the Trial doesn't expire), must ALL be fools, if the scenery was really so bad


2) YOU are wrong.

What do you think is the most likely ? Many thousands of users that bought the scenery, or you, one and alone with your opinion ?


It's not very smart playing the troll, with a scenery that has been out on the market for 6 years, which sold so well, and with a Trial to begin with. You will only embarrass yourself even more than you already did.


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Re: Why is this scenery so bad?
« Reply #4 on: May 23, 2017, 11:19:41 pm »
"Troll"? What are you, 15? You are writing on behalf of a company, and while I do agree that maybe my approach to this issue has been incorrect, I most certainly shouldn't be called a "Troll".

Besides that, the notion that so many people must like your scenery because they bought it is false because, you are technically the only developer in the field that made this specific scenery. I assure you that if Flightbeam or LatinVFR or ORBX had made the scenery, you would have made a mere fraction of a fraction on sales of this product. The real argument is that so many people love the airport KLAX and, unfortunately, FSDT is the only one there to provide a semi-decent scenery for them.

Look, all i'm saying is that this is the only scenery I have had problems with. It is very fragile and requires P3D users to restart the sim multiple times, after activating it in the scenery library, in order to use the scenery at its full potential.

As an avid flight-simmer myself, I honestly hope your second try is up to par.


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Re: Why is this scenery so bad?
« Reply #5 on: May 23, 2017, 11:36:56 pm »
"Troll"? What are you, 15? You are writing on behalf of a company, and while I do agree that maybe my approach to this issue has been incorrect, I most certainly shouldn't be called a "Troll".

You approached here LIKE a Troll so, maybe you aren't a Troll, but you surely introduced yourself as one. In fact, I assumed you were something like 15. I hope, for your own sake, you are not much older than that...

Besides that, the notion that so many people must like your scenery because they bought it is false because, you are technically the only developer in the field that made this specific scenery.

You are wrong, again. Blueprint makes a KLAX scenery and, as you said yourself "BluePrint Sceneries can do a better job". You DO realize that, with this sentence, you already lost whatever credibility you might have had to your claims ?

Look, all i'm saying is that this is the only scenery I have had problems with.

No, it's NOT "all that you are saying".

You said something like "ground textures are absolutely disgusting", which they obviously aren't, unless you made the usual mistake of NOT reading the manual, which clearly explains the scenery has been designed to use few 4K textures instead of many 1K textures so, if you use 1K texture resolution, you are seeing at 1/4th of its intended quality...

That's why your comments seems laughable. NOBODY ever said KLAX textures are not disgusting, but even average. It's universally considered a very good looking scenery, and it's one of our best selling ones.

It is very fragile

No, it's not.

and requires P3D users to restart the sim multiple times, after activating it in the scenery library, in order to use the scenery at its full potential.

No, it doesn't.

Now, if you, instead of trolling like you did, exposed your problem like a normal person on a support forum would do, maybe we could understand WHAT's happened on your installation, that required something like "multiple restarts of the sim", which it surely doesn't, under normal conditions so, we might have really helped you.
« Last Edit: May 23, 2017, 11:38:30 pm by virtuali »


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Re: Why is this scenery so bad?
« Reply #6 on: May 24, 2017, 01:24:33 am »
You approached here LIKE a Troll so, maybe you aren't a Troll, but you surely introduced yourself as one. In fact, I assumed you were something like 15. I hope, for your own sake, you are not much older than that...

Very unprofessional. I do happen to be older than 15, and unlike you I know how to talk to people and compose myself while being eloquent and composed. You should try it sometime.

You are wrong, again. Blueprint makes a KLAX scenery and, as you said yourself "BluePrint Sceneries can do a better job". You DO realize that, with this sentence, you already lost whatever credibility you might have had to your claims ?

In terms of Blueprint scenery, I was referring to their reliability as oppose to their scenery quality. While their scnery isn't as detailed and intricate as yours, they still provide a place for your aircraft to land, not the occasional dirt strip.I actually have their KCLE scenery and I find it to be extremely reliable.

As for ground textures, they are absolutely disgusting for P3d users who have no choice but to use a resolution less than 4k. I don't know if you have ever heard of an OOM? Ah yes, they often occur when the game's memory is exceeded. One of the main contributing factors to an OOM, is having 4k textures. My PC can perfectly run 4k, it is the game; however, that can not support it. Besides that, it is very possible to have beautiful (non-grainy) ground textures without having to use 4k textures, you may want to ask your friends at Flightbeam for some assistance with that, they seemed to be able to do it with their KSFO scenery. Oh and while you're at it, just give them the KLAX bid.

Now, why don't you take a different, less defensive approach to this situation and actually find the fault in your product, and maybe even yourself, Umberto.


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Re: Why is this scenery so bad?
« Reply #7 on: May 24, 2017, 08:35:02 am »
and unlike you I know how to talk to people and compose myself while being eloquent and composed. You should try it sometime.

Unfortunately, you did exactly the opposite, since you started your first post in this forum with the elegance of an elephant in a room with crystals. Composed and eloquent, really...

In terms of Blueprint scenery, I was referring to their reliability as oppose to their scenery quality. While their scnery isn't as detailed and intricate as yours, they still provide a place for your aircraft to land, not the occasional dirt strip

I really don't know what you are referring to with "occasional dirt strip". There's no such thing at KLAX.

As for ground textures, they are absolutely disgusting for P3d users who have no choice but to use a resolution less than 4k. I don't know if you have ever heard of an OOM? Ah yes, they often occur when the game's memory is exceeded. One of the main contributing factors to an OOM, is having 4k textures.

Which, again, clearly explain why you haven't understood *anything* of what I've said.

KLAX DOES NOT use 4K textures for increased resolution. As I've said, it uses LESS 4K textures, as a REPLACEMENT for MANY 1K textures. So, instead of using 64 1K textures, we used only 4 4K textures, meaning the memory taken is exactly the same as if if was made with many 1K textures, but the scenery is FASTER this way, because there are a lot less materials and draw calls, and this is very good for performances.

So, please, stop again your trollish attitude ( "have ever heard of an OOM? " REALLY ? ), and try to understand what is being said.

Now, why don't you take a different, less defensive approach to this situation and actually find the fault in your product, and maybe even yourself, Umberto

It was you that started attacking, with absurd comments about the scenery quality. If you never replied, like you did, I might have thought you were joking. Now it seems you are serious, which is worrying, to say the least.


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Re: Why is this scenery so bad?
« Reply #8 on: May 25, 2017, 08:37:29 am »
Unfortunately, you did exactly the opposite, since you started your first post in this forum with the elegance of an elephant in a room with crystals. Composed and eloquent, really...

Never at any point referred to how elegant I was, seems like a wrong choice of words. I really can't fathom how many people contested your position, it seems you were the lucky one when this job opened up.

I really don't know what you are referring to with "occasional dirt strip". There's no such thing at KLAX.

The "occasional dirt strip" I refer to is what happens when your scenery doesn't load in, usually due to scenery library problems caused by the scenery's fragility and inconsistency.

KLAX DOES NOT use 4K textures for increased resolution. As I've said, it uses LESS 4K textures, as a REPLACEMENT for MANY 1K textures. So, instead of using 64 1K textures, we used only 4 4K textures, meaning the memory taken is exactly the same as if if was made with many 1K textures, but the scenery is FASTER this way, because there are a lot less materials and draw calls, and this is very good for performances.

Ahh, what a beautifully useless invention! Either way I must utilize 4k textures on my sim, which means that not only does your scenery turn become 4k but also the following: PMDG 737, KSFO flightbeam, land textures, mesh, Water textures, and much much more. So maybe your KLAX won't take as much memory, but everything else that has become 4k will.

It was you that started attacking, with absurd comments about the scenery quality. If you never replied, like you did, I might have thought you were joking. Now it seems you are serious, which is worrying, to say the least.

I truly am very very sorry you hate your job.


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Re: Why is this scenery so bad?
« Reply #9 on: May 26, 2017, 12:04:31 am »
I've used Blueprint and all I can say is I deleted it. As for FSDT KLAX --- if you hate it so much,  don't use it and use your coveted Blueprint.


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Re: Why is this scenery so bad?
« Reply #10 on: May 26, 2017, 12:29:15 am »
I was, seems like a wrong choice of words.

You were wrong on everything, not just the choice of words.

I really can't fathom how many people contested your position, it seems you were the lucky one when this job opened up.

you must be new here...LOL...

The "occasional dirt strip" I refer to is what happens when your scenery doesn't load in, usually due to scenery library problems caused by the scenery's fragility and inconsistency.

There aren't obviously any "scenery library problems", unless you are referring to your mistake of enabling/disabling it during a session, in an useless attempt to save memory, something that is NOT needed with our sceneries, since they reclaim their own memory automatically.

Ahh, what a beautifully useless invention!

It's not your utter ignorance of a very well know optimization method that makes it any less useful. Get your fact straight, before commentin.

Either way I must utilize 4k textures on my sim, which means that not only does your scenery turn become 4k but also the following: PMDG 737, KSFO flightbeam, land textures, mesh, Water textures, and much much more. So maybe your KLAX won't take as much memory, but everything else that has become 4k will.

You are obviously wrong, again. The background scenery in P3D V3 DOES NOT support 4K textures, they will always work at 1024x1024, even if the sim is set at 4096. The slider is there, to ALLOW 3rd party products that *do* have 4K textures, to use them.

So, you are saying that, because you have other 3rd party products that do not let you a CHOICE of selecting their resolution, it's KLAX fault for being optimized and not wasting speed ? Don't they offer an installation choice to reduce their textures size ?

I truly am very very sorry you hate your job.

LOL, again.